Sunday, June 8, 2008


I'm always looking for new friends to go shopping with. You would think that would be pretty easy, but I'm still trying to make friends in my new city with girls who like to do the same things I do....not shopping at the mall, but the antiques or thriftstores or junk places. I wish you all lived near me! One friend from church, my floral design friend, Angie, does like to antique and look at junk, so she and I went out this week to a fun antique mall that I had never been to before. Lots to look at, they really had some good looking things in there.
I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but have had in my mind for awhile that I'd like to find an antique chest of drawers to go in our master bedroom. I showed you the black yardsale piece that we've been using for 3 years now which is way too small and not very nice, but I knew I'd find something eventually and for a decent price. I spotted this French piece and it's gorgeous, but at over $1000, way more than I wanted to spend or could afford to spend.
Right next to it was this beauty. A traditional mahogany chest on chest in great condition AND the price was decent AND it was 20% off AND they offer 60 day layaway. I think I can do that. It has an English look to it and looks to be Chippendale to me. It stands 52" tall and is quite a large piece, with dove-tailed drawers. So, I went back the next day with Judy (see below) and put it on layaway. Two more payments and I'll bring this baby home. I know you want to know the price and since I usually blurt those things out anyway, I'll tell you...with the 20% discount, it came to $390. Now how's that for a deal? I think it's great myself. I'm mixing it with a late-1800's French armoire that we already have in the room and I'll be sure to do a post when it's in place.
It's a beauty and I think we are really going to enjoy it. If you have never shopped for antiques, I'd highly recommend that you try it. I used to think only rich people could afford antiques, but I found out that this little myth is simply not true. Anyone can afford antiques (even if they are 100 years old and true antiques) and you can afford many vintage pieces a lot easier than buying new pieces. And, personally I would much rather have an old piece than a new piece anyday. They just don't make furniture like this anymore. Classic, traditional style never goes out of fashion. This chest is probably from the 40's or 50's. We'll get back to this discussion in a minute. So, moving on around the store....

This is a huge French buffet.
Pretty blue and white dishes.
I thought these needlepoint chairs were really pretty.
And how about this aqua tole platter and aqua bowl....yummy colors! So that was one fun day from last week. The next day, my new friend Judy from Gracious Southern Living came up for the day and we had such a great time! We've been chatting online for almost a year now and again, it was like meeting up with an old friend. Judy likes to talk decorating as much as I do and we did not shut up for about 6 straight hours. Here we are at lunch at O'Carr's with their famous chicken salad and fruit plate. We went to Cahaba Heights for a little antiquing. Judy is a very fun person and I'm so glad I got to meet her finally. I know we will meet up again. She's very warm, friendly, and Southern all wrapped up in one.
We had a great time strolling around...just looking at all the fun stuff out there. Judy picked up a pretty iron candelabra for outside and carted it home in her VW bug.
We both loved this green wicker in the shop, Treasures in Cahaba Heights.
More blue and white.
Loved this pretty bunny and bird vignette.

It's always fun to meet up with another blogger, so if you get a chance to meet bloggers in your area, do it! Judy, so glad you came up. We will definitely do it again!
Now, back to that antique discussion. What do y'all think about buying older things? I know many of you like me enjoy buying antiques over new. I have been buying older pieces for about 20 years now and here's what I've learned over the years. I love to mix old and new pieces for a well-traveled look. When I go into a house with all brand spankin-new stuff, it just looks like everything was bought in one day from the local furniture store. I think it's so much more interesting to collect those older pieces and add them to your home as you find them. I do actually love some of the new trends out there, like Pottery Barn and some of the other catalog companies, but I would not want a whole house of Pottery Barn or anywhere else. Love to browse their catalogs for ideas and inspiration, but I always go back to my Traditional style when it comes to furniture.

And I'd rather have older pieces instead of going down to any new furniture and paying much more for much less quality in a new piece. I doubt I could get much of anything for $390 at a new furniture store, so for me, I'll stick to the old stuff. Most of this new stuff is particle board & stapled together. What about do you shop for furniture? Old or new or a mix? I do love a mix myself. I usually buy new when it comes to upholstered pieces. If there's one thing I would recommend for you younger girls who are just starting out and furnishing your home, shop the antiques stores and see what you can find. You'll be amazed at what you can get used for probably much less than what you'd pay brand new and you can bet the quality will be SO much better in the older pieces. Antiques malls are full of great looking vintage pieces and with the economy like it is now, it really makes sense to buy older.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one, so feel free to share ideas and opinions!

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50 friends stopped by:

PAT said...

Hi Rhoda

Love the chest you found. I'd love to have the huge French buffet. It's amazing. We like to mix old and new, whenever possible. One reason, the quality is so much better than some of the new stuff that is offered today. Plus we like the collected over time look in our home, mixed with our little special things we find along our road trips. Come to think of it, it's time for us to go antiquing again, just for fun. It's been awhile.

I've been on the lookout for a secretary for a couple years. I love Cheryl's in her foyer and wanted something like that for ours. After hunting around and not finding anything that came close to what I had in mind, I ordered a piece from Hooker. I love Hooker furniture and we own several pieces. The quality is great. It finally arrived, last week after over 2 months of waiting! We are completely satisfied, even though our original plan was for an antique.

Thanks for your comment on DP post. Diet Dr Pepper is my favorite, too.Because it tastes good even though it has few or no calories. The Dublin plant is the only plant producing Dr Pepper with Imperial Pure Cane Sugar these days. We ordered it for a taste of the old days. We split a can every other day. It's a treat, for now and then.

I enjoyed your visit with Judy!

Judy said...

Hey sweet girl! I just got home from spending the night at Shannon's last night....the twins were up at 6:00 a.m.! I'm not used to getting up that early and having all that sweetness hugging and kissing on MiMi!
After spending they day with you, I got so much inspiration to finish up all my little projects. Let's hope I can find the time to get to all of them.
Oh, I e-mailed Wanda in Sylacauga and I'd love to check out her shop.
STILL searching for that perfect paint color for my kitchen.... I've about decided to go a dark khaki, not brown, but deep enough for those brown chairs to pop.

Have a great week and I'll talk to you soon.


twintoo10292 said...

I've been visiting your blog for months and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a 40ish stay at home mom with 3 children. My oldest, a daughter is getting married next month. I also have a twin, who just happens to be my bestfriend. Anyway I LOVE your blog and your decorating tips. I have to reread yesterdays because I love the what you did to the bathroom vanity. I've been wanting to paint mine in the kids bathroom but have been hesitant on the correct color paint. I think what you chose would be perfect. You have one of the best blogs I've found, I enjoy it so much. Twin

Fran said...

I love your new chest! You definitely got a deal there. I totally agree with you. Very few things of mine were bought "new". I have many pieces of furniture that were from my grandmother's homes. I have purchased some from antique stores and others from Goodwill and thrift shops. And I love them all!

Thanks for such a nice post.


Cheri said...

Yes, I agree. We have several family pieces that are old (not necessarily antique though) and I love their familiarity, the sense that they have been around and seen some livin'.

And I agree with you about blog friends. I've had an opportunity to get together with one several times. Talk about kindred spirits!

We live just north of Chatanooga. If you ever get up this way, give me a shout!

Anonymous said...

That chest is beautiful! Great find and great deal. I agree, old pieces mixed with new are a wonderful addition to any room. We only have one room with all new furniture, a housewarming gift from my in-laws. I just recently added an old painted wicker chair and it makes the room much more cozy. We're currently painting our bedroom furniture black...wish I had found your post about doing that earlier! Thanks for sharing your shopping goodies.

Debra from Bungalow said...

Love that chest & totally agree with you about mixing old & new. I love how it makes a room feel.
The chest you bought looks like it has more storage space than the more expensive one.
Hugs, DebraK

Anonymous said...

Rhoda, it seems so many of us are kindred spirits, and it is wonderful that we seem to find each other through our blogs.

I adore your "new" chest. I can't wait to see how it looks in your bedroom. I having been looking for a "new" chair for our bedroom. I want a wingback chair that I can have reupholstered with a ruffled skirt. I really don't want to pay the price for a new one. I'll keep looking - one day it will happen. I just have it on my list of things to accomplish this year.

We love to buy older pieces, and we have quite a few in our home. I especially love our pieces that came through our family.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Rhoda, I'm another newbie to posting on your blog, but I'm an old hat at reading here. Yours is one of the first blogs I found, and I'm delighted to find a blog where I feel right at home.

Love, love, LOVE shopping for home furnishings, and I particularly enjoy antiques! But let's not ignore the new things from T. J. Maxx, Marshall's, Home Goods, etc. I like a blend of old and new... just like life. :-)

From a link on your site, I found the Vintage Shop in Lakeland (I'd seen it before, but I found a great chair on their website that called my name), and who do you think I met there? Miss Daisy Cottage herself! Of course, I looked like an unmade bed that day because I was on a mission! I'm surprised I didn't scare her. But it was nice to meet her in person, and she is as cordial as her blog sounds. :-)

If you're ever down Lakeland way again, I love to shop for antiques, thrift, etc. Say the word "shop" and my ears perk right on up! I also have a great big van I use for that very purpose. So I'm loaded for bear when it comes to deals that I or my shopping buddies didn't know we couldn't live without!

You did well on the piece you found. I know you're going to enjoy it.

All the best,


Free Art Printables said...

I am the same way. I only buy old stuff... I think mixing in the new once in a while is okay,there is still so really well made stuff, but it's expensive! Older furniture is so well made too and put together with so much more quality. It was really made to stand the test of time...all of that new- fangled pressboard stuff or particle board is.. well.. cr&p.Jen R

Rue said...

Hi Rhoda :)

I love that chest you bought. The detail on the drawers pulls are wonderful!

I think you probably know how I feel about antiques, but I'll tell you anyway ;)

I have never really liked anything new and about 90% of what I have is over 100 years old. My couch is new, but I think that's something that has to be new, unless you know how to reupholster, which I don't. I love things with a history and I don't like owning anything that someone else has. My love for antiques came from my mother. She was part owner of a small antique booth for a while and if something didn't sell it went in one of our homes. The quality is unmatchable unless you are buying something from Henredon or another furniture maker of that caliber, but I'm not able to afford that ;) I think that antiques are the best investment for any homeowner.


Michelle said...

Rhoda, great deal on the beautiful chest!

I prefer old furniture for the same reasons: quality and character.

Have you checked out auctions in your area? A few months ago I started going and I'm amazed how inexpensive furniture can go (last Sunday a Duncan Phyfe couch went for only $40! And that's only one example).

Unknown said...

Hi Rhoda,
You do live close enough to me! Maybe one day you can come to Meridian and I'll take you to Booker's Antiques in Whynot, MS.
You won't get the lovely pictures you got in BHam....but you might get a bargain.
It is really one of the oldest antique shops around here..and full of lots of treasures, mixed with plenty of junk. You will need a flashlight, and something on your feet instead of sandals.
Why? You might just see a snake slither across his porch!
Mr. Booker has been collecting anitques for years, and to be honest...he has let things go!
Maybe I'll ride out one day soon and take some pics to entice you!
Anyone else from this area is invited too! The more the merrier!
Email me at if anyone is interested. I'll need to call him first and make sure he is in the shop. He closes whenever he feels like it!
Maybe we should wait til the snakes are hibernating! LOL

Unknown said...

I am proud to say I am 38 and two years ago bought my first NEW furniture piece. A sofa, love seat, and tables for our family room. Almost everything in our home was purchased at auctions, garage sales, and local markets. Oh, and curbside shopping too!

Recently, we cleaned out my parent's home (avid collectors) and my grandmother's home. I have so many treasures I need to get ready to put out. I am little overwhelmed right now, but I am taking it one project at a time.

I agree with you about going into a home with new things. It doesn't ever seem very comfortable to me. I love things that have a history.

Also, I bought some Liquid Nails and I will be painting a small table this week. Wish me luck!

Jenny said...

I definitely like mixing old and new. I'm with you, I don't like a house full of all the same pieces from the same store. Too matchy matchy. I things that go together but that are different.

The Berry's Patch said...


I have a few inherited pieces that I will share on one of my post (in the future). I'm waiting for an elephant chair that my husbands parents have given me. I'm so excited! (notice I said ME) Anyway, I love the antiques you have on your post. I'm not sure there are many antique malls here in the desert. I'm going to research it though.

Brandee :)

ps. If I lived near you I'd be your shopping buddy!

Anonymous said...

Rho, first off, so glad you got to have a girls day out. Such fun!

As for the old classics in furniture, I absolutely agree, you can find things for great prices and much nicer quality. One of my favorites is my china hutch for $150! It's small but adorable and just large enough to hold my grandmother's china. Plus, it fits the space. It's probably from the 1940's as well.

Glad you found that beauty!

Steph said...

I like to mix old and new!
I can't stand to go into someone's house that looks like pottery barn exploded in there! It just doesn't have a warm, homey feeling!
Plus, the old stuff is made sooooom much better than the newer stuff!

Things That Inspire said...

Do you ever read Cote de Texas? She and I have become e-mail friends, and she has recommended to me that I need to get off my new furniture kick and look more seriously at antiques. I guess I am influenced by the prices of the antiques at the stores in Atlanta - SKY HIGH! There are some amazing French antique stores in Atlanta, but the prices are truly astronomical. I just don't have the time, patience, or interest to go to all of the smaller less expensive places...I have never been one who likes to sort through a lot of stuff to find the one good piece. What I like about the expensive antique stores is that they have done the picking and sorting for me already!

Tonja said...

Loved it, Rhoda! You've got the knack for scouting out just the right piece! It will look wonderful in your home.

I'm still looking for an old farm table...I planned space for a table to seat 12...but I have not found one yet. Let me know if you happen to see one on one of your jaunts!

Anonymous said...

My sister and I did the same thing. We went antiquing and junkin'. She did bring her camera but we are trying to figure out who gets to blog about it =)... I hope I get a few of the pictures and get to share with all of you. If I only lived closer to you! Susie H

Anonymous said...

I have always looked for antiques to add to my home. I especially like turn of the century golden oak. I do like to buy new upholstered pieces and I have bought some kitchen chairs and barstools from Pottery Barn.

My husband was a career Air Force officer. We moved every three to four years. I can honestly say that the antiques moved so well, there was barely a scratch on them when they came off the moving truck. Not so lucky with the newer furniture.

I don't have room for anymore large pieces of furniture but I still like to go antiqueing to buy "littles".

I love your blog. You really have a talent for interior design. I've gotten lots of good ideas from your blog!

kari and kijsa said...

Love your new chest! Great finds, fun and friends!!! We definitely love and furnish with lots of old pieces...some great quality, some super-rehabs!!! The quality is always better, andthe details are unbeatable...and we do always love a challenge!!

kari & kijsa

Anonymous said...

*waving to Sheila above*

Judy you are adorable AND Rhoda, you know I love you!
AND I love, love, love your new treasure - it is perfect, just perfect. You did great! Can't wait to see it in your home.

Big ((((((((hugs)))))))))

dec0r8or said...

I haven't been by here in ages, Rho, but it looks like I stopped in at a good time. I love your new dresser! It looks like Hepplewhite to me. I love the wood grain and the carving on it. Lovely! How cool that you got to meet a fellow blogger, too! I'll chime in and say, too, that I am also a second-hand shopper. I'm trying to remember the last thing I bought that was actually "new." Hey, we can chalk it up to being environmentally conscious, too, right? Why buy new when there is plenty of old stuff to love?! :)

pammiejo said...

I have to agree with you! I much prefer a mix of pieces selected for the "personality"/charm they show than a houseful of new furniture with the store look to them. I have quite a few antiques and I would fight to ever give them up - my store-bought pieces, the highest bidder can have them. I also have pieces my husband has made and they'll never go anywhere either.

shaybert said...

G'morning Rhoda!

I have been buying antiques since Sweet Hubby and I we were married over 30 years ago. We couldn't afford new! They don't have to be Antiques Roadshow noteable. None of our pieces are of much value, certainly not Chippendale, but have withstood raising 3 kids! I still use the oak kitchen drawleaf table that we took home 25 years ago and immediately chopped off the legs to make a coffee table (the refinisher we had just purchased it from never knew, he woulda flipped). It is sturdy enough to stand on for 6'6" hubby to change a light bulb in the ceiling or as a stage for a munchkin to sing a solo and big enough for tea parties for 6 little girless if needed. Can't say that of most of the furniture produced today. I have bought dressers at the Salvation Army or Good Will for as little as $30 and just painted them to match my little girl's room or? Found a little greenish-aqua colored side table at the swap meet for $7 years ago and still use it, never repainted it. Who'da thunk it would eventually be in style? HA!

Antique stores and flea markets were regular Sunday afternoon entertainment when our kids were younger. We thought it was a perfect venue to teach the kids the value of the past and also how to look and not touch. Many had free popcorn or vintage candy for sale so the kids thought it was great! (thanks for the memories!)

Wish you were closer, I'd join you for a shopping excursion!

Blessings, Shay

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

What a fun post! Gorgeous antique finds there. I have a chest like the one you showed that I've used since I was a little girl. I used to have to tug really hard to get the drawers open with my skinny little arms. All these years later we still use it and love it (and now I'm big enough to open the heavy drawers!). -Julia :-)

Anonymous said...

Those are some beautiful pieces. I would love to have one of those chest's too! And, don't kill me, I would love to paint and distress it! So pretty!

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

The only things I like to buy new:
and the big soft goods items.
But that said I do have an antique sofa too and two antique chairs but they will be completely reupholstered.
and it is a quality are so right you just can't find that craftmanship any more.

Julie said...

Okay - I am going to tell you a secret. When I was growing up, one house in our neighborhood was completely decorated with antiques and I loved it. My Mother leaned toward a simplistic modern style in the 60-70's and it had it's charm...but totally lacked the elegance of those intricate antique pieces in our neighbors house! Shhhh - My Mother was an Interior Designer too!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

I have had so much fun reading all your comments about your love affair with antiques too! I know there are a lot of us out there who love the mix of old and new. I too, only buy new upholstery for the most part since some of those old sofas aren't very comfortable, but oh those older wood pieces just have the prettiest patina to them that cannot be duplicated in a new piece. No way, no how!

Sheila, Kim told me about meeting you, so thank you for leaving me a note! Very nice to meet you. I don't think we'll be back in FL anytime soon though.

Let's keep up that antiquing!


Tabitha said...

I'm with ya, 100%!!! I like the P.B. "look" and enjoy model homes that are all perfectly coordinated--but couldn't stand an entire house of it. It looks NICE, but lacks personality. I enjoy a much more collected look, which takes MUCH MORE time and creativity--and relfects the owner better!! My home is far from perfect, but I'm taking my time and buying things I LOVE...slowly. And my home is very "me," which makes ME happy!!

Anonymous said...

I love all your pictures. That chest is beautiful. I've gotten a few great pieces passed down from family but don't have as many as i would like to have. i often get items at a yard sales and end up painting them. i would rather have the older stuff but i think i have a mix of old and new and it works for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rhoda!
I love your new chest!! For $390 I think that is a STEAL! They don't make furniture like they used to. I love to mix old and new. My husband and I hope to build one day so I am always keeping my eyes peeled looking at furniture and different looks. I also am thinking about painting a table of mine black with the "distressed" look. Thanks for your tips!!
Oh, is the Cahaba Heights in Birmingham? I wouldn't mind checking that place out when I come in July. Just let me know where it is. Thanks for all your great advice!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

That is a very stunning chest....Mary

Rosemary said...

Hi Rhoda,
Love the chest of drawers.
I wished we lived closer. I would love to shop and chat with you.
Great photos!!
Glad you two had such fun.

JeanMac said...

That chest is a steal at that price- good for you! We love old furniture also. Over the years, have collected a few pieces but now I'm kind of in the "down size mode" so if i buy, something has to go - but what!? Love your blog.

Donna said...

Hi Rhoda,
What a great chest you found! Love it. I also love the French hutch and the outside iron garden things.
I prefer old instead of new. Antiques fill our little house and I'm always ready to go antiquing and flea market shopping ~ no better way to spend the day!

Unknown said...

How are you?! I have missed your blog. Came by to say hello and loved your post. Come by and say hello and check out a blog I have found. Fantastic man!

Katrina said...

Wow, I love that chest! You are so lucky to have found that. I also loved the tutorial on the queen anne chairs. I had never heard of liquid sandpaper before. I will have to see if we have that here in Australia.

Eva said...

Hi Rhoda, Thanks for visiting my blog and for the comment you left. I am loving your blog! I hope my china cabinet turns out half as beautiful as the furniture you have painted.
Take care,

Sue said...

I love every thing you posted about on your antiquing trip.

Sorry so late stopping by to thank you for my delicious prizes. I hope you got my TY note.

Jen Kershner said...

Love your new piece Rhoda. I love buying antiques too. I love the history of an old piece.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I like eclectic. I like mix and match to. I am not a matchy matchy girl. I agree, it is far more interesting to mix.

Donna Kay said...

Wow! what a great find in that chest!! I love old and I like some new - my taste, if I have any, is very Eclectic! I love all those blue and white plates!!! You and Judy looked like ya'll were having a blast!!!

Katie said...

Hi, Rhoda! I love it when folks post pictures like this...I just sit and "shop" in my mind...because I find dozens of treasures in these photos. I love, love, LOVE your new chest! When you whispered the price...I almost, LITERALLY, fell out of my chair. GAAASP! Don't you love it when you get deals like that??? It's like, you just can't hardly make it out of the shop for fear they will realize how much of a steal it was!! At least, I know I have had moments like that! I always shop antique malls, thrift stores, etc. In looking around my home, it is hard to find objects that came from regular stores. Most of my furniture and definitely all of my "stuff" has come from antique shops. I am just not attracted to new stuff. I would love to live near you because I would love to have a like-minded companion on shopping trips! ;o) Have a wonderful day!

j said...

In love with everything I saw. Gosh what fabulous antiques.

Yeah, I just covet that tray!


BumbleBee Bagz said...

Love your blog. You ever get the chance to come to Pa and I will take you shopping in the gazillion antique store they have here!

Anonymous said...

What a visit. I love everything in your pictures. There is no place here in K'ville,N.C. that offers such lovelies. Your garden is to die for. You are such a creative person. Wish you were my neighbor.

Thanks for sharing.