First things case you're bored already and need yet another project, I finished the glass ball wreath that Eddie Ross featured on his blog awhile back. These were after-Christmas purchases and it took a total of about 80 balls to make the wreath and cost just under $20. Of course, next year, I'll add a pretty ribbon and find the perfect spot to hang it. For instructions, go here. Mine is not as perfect as Eddie's, but I'm happy with it.
And now, on to vacuum cleaners.....
And let me tell you, this one does the trick. It really sucks! In a very good way. 12 Amps worth. It almost feels self-propelled as the sucking power is so much better than my old one, it practically zooms along in front of me. It has adjustments for bare floor and carpet and I love how the hose wand can be popped out very easily to do stairs and furniture. There's even a stair attachment with its own moving beater bar. It's a little heavier than my old Hoover, but that tells me the sucking power is greater. Dumping out the canister after a whole-house vacuum is really an eye-opener, as it was FULL of dust and dirt. So, I think I'm gonna be happy with this one. It's a Bissell Total Floor, model 3990. After I brought it home, I looked it up online and found out it had mostly great reviews from everyone who has bought it and I got a great deal on it too.
Anyway, if you're in the market for a new vacuum, I'm in love with mine and wanted to share! And, no I'm not getting paid to say this. :) I do love the hepa-filter bagless concept AND dumping out all the trash everytime you vacuum is a good thing.
How about you, do you love yours or want to trade it in?

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Yes, you can love a vacuum. I love mine... it is similar to yours but I think it is called a Dyson. It was given to me as a gift so I didn't get any say in it but it is also one of those cannister things... it is almost embarrassing how much dust, dirt and debris is in the house!
Ok, I checked out the Eddie Ross blog. What have I been missing all this time??
I am going to go and check out what ornaments might be left and try one of these. Did you find that it is a good idea to glue all the ornament tops down first? Did you find a pattern that worked for you? Is the wreath flat on the back?
Your new wreath is so pretty!
I'm glad you like your vacuum. It is amazing how much dirt there can find it's way into a house. I use my lightweight battery operated swifter just about every day on the hardwood and the tile, and always manage to collect lots of dirt!
Your wreath looks beautiful and I really like Eddies technique rather than trying to glue the balls to a form. As for loving a vacuum, yes you can. Our first bagless vacuum was a hoover and I will never go back to the kind with bags. My girls were little and they were so fascinated with seeing how much dirt they got when they cleaned that they actually fought over whose turn it was to vacuum (for a while). There is something fascinating about seeing that canister full of dirt:>)
What a great topic. Yes, I love my new vacume cleaner so much I was going to blog about it too. It's a Rainbow. My friend let me borrow hers for a couple of weeks while we were moving and I fell in love. I guess with the water collector it's not for everyone but I have Never seen a vacume that pulled so much dirt out of the carpets that they virtually looked new. There was actually a color change.
Your glass ball wreath is beautiful. Thank you for sharing the link for the instructions and congratulations on finding a vacuum cleaner that you love.
I bought the Dyson Animal, last year, after many years of good use from my other sweeper and absolutely love it. So yes, you can definitely love a vacumm sweeper!
I was in Target New Years Day. They still had lots of ornaments marked 75% off. I picked up several boxes in reds and golds in anticipation of making Eddie's wreath. I e-mailed his instructions to my daughter, who printed them for future reference. She loved the wreath and also bought several boxes of ornaments at Target. She beat my deal, with a price of 50 cents a box. We're going to do this project together, soon! I've always wanted to make an ornament wreath but didn't want to spend a bunch of $$$. I think mine will be done for under $20, too! Yours turned out great!
Yeah, yeah, the vaccuum is cool - but how about that wreath?! That is the prettiest thing I have seen! I need to go out and buy some discounted ornaments today!!!
I’ve been a lurker here and I just want to say that you have a nice blog and you are very generous with sharing your knowledge and ideas. :-)
Loved the wreath!!!
Hey, girls! I'm glad you all like the wreath. It really is very easy to do, just start stringing the balls on the wire form and they will move around back & forth. You can adjust them a little after it's all filled up. And it looks the same from both sides (not flat on the back at all). I didn't do a real scientific method, but just took large balls and then mixed the smaller ones (varied the colors as I went along), so it's not toally balance in color, but it's just fine with me! I do love how it turned out. All it needs is a pretty satin ribbon to hang it with. Oh, and yes, you'll definitely want to hot glue the tops on. I did NOT take each little metal top off, but rather picked up each ball & ran a bit of glue around the outside where the metal tip meets the ball. WAY too much trouble to take that little metal tip up & down. That worked for me, you don't see the metal tips anyway once it's put together.
Hope some of you will try it & let me see yours!
I married my Dyson about four years ago!! It cost quite a bit but it works like a dream with pet hair!
Ohhh Rhoda love the wreath...too pretty. Wish I had gone out and bought some christmas ornaments while they had them on sale now. Story of my life! LOL
As for the love of a vacuum cleaner..yes I love mine it is a Dyson that I got a few years ago. Now about using it, that is another story, vacuuming is probably my least favorite cleaning chore. Ha!
Look forward to you next post (as always)
Have a great weekend!
Your wreath is so pretty Rhoda! The colors are great together. I like the idea of using a hanger for the base, so easy. I didn't get to go after Christmas shopping to scoop up any goodies.
Glad you like-love your new vac. We have a similar one, a Hoover I think.
Hugs, DebraK
PS, have a great shopping trip with ER
We have an Oreck and I love it. My other favorite thing is my Bissell steam mop. I bought one 7 years ago and recently replaced it with another one. I use it almost every day... some days multiple times!
Thanks for posting the link on how to make the wreath.
I made one a few years ago on an evergreen wreath base with pink ornies. But I want to switch them out to one like this.
I love my Dyson- so I know what you mean about vacuum adoration. :)
you did it!
That wreath is fabulous. I wonder if I can still find any christmas balls?
I have the Dyson Animal too because of my constantly shedding German Shepherd. For years, I had a Bissell (the lime green one with the round handle) which was really good. But it was time to replace and upgrade. I agree that it definitely is possible to love your vacuum!!
That wreath is gorgeous! And yes, you can love a vacuum. I love my Oreck I've had for 4 years and counting.
By the way. . . .I am like so jealous of your upcoming shopping trip with Eddie Ross!!! No doubt, you'll have a blast with him. Be sure to take LOTS of pics for us.
Yes, you can LOVE a vacuum! I love my Dyson DC25. It is incredibly easy to use, but the reason I love it the most is that my husband actually likes to use it! :)
YES, you can definitely love your vacuum. I DO. I have a Cebo canister. I chose a canister because I don't have any carpet and only on area rug! It also has the Hepa filter. I think my favorite fun feature is the auto wind cord! AND the attachments are all "on-board".
The wreath is stunning, and YES, I'm in love with my Dyson!! Can't live without it now. :)
I bought my Hoover Wind Tunnel a few years ago after Consumer Reports said it was the best. It cost me a fortune but I vacuum a lot so it's been worth it! I was so excited when I got it. My coworkers thought I was crazy getting so excited over a vacuum cleaner! I can totally relate to your excitement!!! Happy vacuuming!
Love your wreath! I've been wanting to make one of those too!
Love your wreath turned out beautiful..and the best apart only $20.00 what a steal..Hope you have a great w/k ...hugs and smiles Gloria
How funny this is! I was just on line looking at vacuum cleaner ratings when I decided to come check out some blogs, and look what I found! I don't think I need to look at any more ratings. Your word is good enough for me. I just hope I can find as good a bargain on one as you did. The ornament wreath is beautiful. laurie
YES! When we got our Animal Dyson I felt WE brought a new toy home:) My husband still uses it!
It is so powerful and so light, with wonderful wand type tools built in. It is a dream in cleaning my blinds. I enjoy 'no changing of the bag...'
Congratulations of your new fun toy which works! What a wonderful way to start this year out as you organize.
I also LOVE your Bulb wreathe! It is so pretty and what a great deal with all the bulbs for only 20.00!
I look forward to your party on the 7th.
I like my Oreck because it is so light in weight, but sometimes I wonder how good a job it does. In the next year or two, I need to replace it after further research. Thanks for your recommendation. The wreath looks great - you are a step ahead for next Christmas!!! Sally
I have the same vac and I love it too! When I first got it I would clean all the time and my girls would say "I hope we never get that excited over an appliance." Well they are both married now and they do get excited over appliances now.
What I want next is a dyson,used one once at a house I was working at and LOVED it....just can't afford it.
I'm sure that it's possible to love a vacuum as I hate mine. Ours is a Eureka Alimate...bad design, minimal suckage at this point...less than 6 months later. I plan to return it to Target so they can return it to the mfr, even though I won't get anything back...that's fine. We hope to buy a new one in the new month.
Love your new wreath, Rhoda, and thanks for the tip on the Bissell. I need a new one and will consider it on your recommendation.
I also recently fell in a love w/ a vacuum. I bought the Eureka Capture. I too wanted something not so expensive, but I had a 10% off coupon for Lowes and ended up spending $119 on it. The last vacuum was a Dirt Devil, it had sucking power at first, but after a couple months it was terrible. I put my new vacuum to work the second I put it together! I did research on mine too and didn't find one single bad review anywhere. I'm looking forward to my new relationship w/ my vacuum, hopefully a long lasting one!
Love your blog! I love to decorate and my favorite store to buy from is Kirklands. I get their $10 off coupons weekly. You can also find great finds at Ross, Marshalls, Good Homes and Yes-even Wal Mart.
I'm going to try the wreath as well. Thanks!
Rhoda, I would be thrilled with a new vacuum too! Can you use this on wood floors w/o it leaving scratch marks? I have 2 vacuums and can't use either one on the wood.
I love that wreath! I went to several stores yesterday and they did not have colors that I was fond of, hopefully I find some. Yours came out great and great tip on not having to unscrew the caps.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and I was Mary from GI.
Yes you can love a vacuum!
Your wreath turned out great! I have that on my "project list for Christmas 2009"!
Your wreath looks AMAZING!!!!! Can't wait to see you on the 10th
Yes, you can love your vacuum cleaner. I've been in a stable relationship with mine for almost 3 years. However, its like when someone gets a new car. You drool over it. I'm wiping my mouth after looking at your new beautiful machine. Wow, just think of all the wonderful cleaning I could do, LOL....
Most of my floors are first generation laminate (slated to be changed soon). So I just have an old sears canister vacuum.
Now I do love my hoover floor mate hard floor cleaner!
Love the wreath.
My niece is packing up her stuff in B'ham as I type. Moving back to Nash-vegas... just gives me an opportunity to book a room at the Ross Bridge whenever I need my Nabeel's, O'Carrs, Klingler's, Three Sheets, and Penzey's fixes...
LOL OH YES we can love our vacs !!! I never get too attached to mine though as I go through them like water....little OCD here !!!
My girlfriends are horrified when I get a new vac for a present, but I LOVE it !!! My hubby knows me well !!
I thought for sure I was getting a steam cleaner this year NOPE, we bought each other the same gift, too funny, one of those outdoor heaters. Hubby actually got a better deal than I did, so mine went back.
Love your vac Rho and may have to copy it, mine will be dying
Also I love Eddie Ross, I used his idea for the dip in the cabbbage, thanks for the tip about his blog !!!
The wreath is on my list, okay 80 blubs huh?, I am half way there...yours came out GREAT !!!
Have fun next week with Eddie, take lots of pics, well I know you will !!
Kathy :)
I have a rainbow which is wonderful. Bought it years ago at my allergist's recommendation. Pricey - but again, I've had it at least 12 years (before we moved into this house) and not a problem one - it's still going strong. Like someone else mentioned on here, it really pulls the dirt out of carpet and rugs. We have mainly wood floors now and I really don't pull my big vacuum out often, only to use the attachments on the furniture, etc. and give everything a good going over. I use a smaller, sweeper type for my everyday cleaning.
Miele was recommended to me also. I think the stronger vacs are really a necessity with carpet.
Loving the wreath!
I have a Dyson and LOVE IT TOO! ha. Hey I just noticed you hung your wreath with a wire clothes hanger. Great idea!
Perhaps one doesn't know one loves one's vacuum, until it is gone!
I know the feeling of suddenly being without one and yes, with all my pets, I do love my vacumming :-)
Happy New Year Blessings,
What great colors you've used in your wreath! Glad you provided the link, too; I went there then to his Christmas tree post - gorgeous!
Glad you love your vac! lol! I live alone in a very small place and work long hours, so things don't need vacuuming much. I have a canister vac, but recently got a cordless broomstick-type vac from BB&B that I love and does the job for me. Quick and easy, upstairs and down.
Rhoda how did you make that wreath?? It's beautiful! Yes, you can love a vacuum. I love my Dyson it last was my from me to me gift.
Love the wreath! Too cute!
Same story different house....lots of dirt in the bagless bucket.
My new Bissel is red, though...I wish it had been was 159 at's a bit heavy to push but gits er done
I love the colors you used in your wreath! Beautiful. I made a wreath similar to yours and Eddie's, but, I'm done for this year!!!
And yes I love my Dyson!!!
I chuckle at this post, and I'll tell you why- I have been through 4vacume cleaners in 3 years!
I might have the worst luck on the planet with them. I finaly wound up with a Bissell 12 amp aswell. Possibly the same one you show here.
So far (knock on wood) my Bissell is working great!
One bit of advice though - I have my hubby shop-vacume the vacume and all its parts every now and then. I know that sounds silly "vacume the vacume" but if you want to keep it really "sucking" ...(gosh that sounds funny) then maintainence is key!
Take it from a gal whos almost owned every vacume out there!
I have that very same model of vacum. I got mine at Home Depot. I love it too. And I am a but of a vacum snob. With as many kids and dogs as I have, I have to have one that really sucks! Glad you are enjoying as well.
It is very liberating (and gross) to see what is pulled from our carpet.
I am very much in love with mine...I got a Pink Dyson this time last year and I must sucks too!!! LOL
I love to vacuum now!!
Your wreath is gorgeous! I love the colors you used. Can't wait to try my hand at this fun project from Eddie Ross.
I'm not loving my Hoover Wind Tunnel so much these days. I miss my old vacuum I bought from an Amway distributor. But I'm also missing the ones with the bags because I enhaled less dust taking out a bag than I do emptying the new canister versions we have now. I may have to try the new Dyson for getting around those corners easier. Or better yet, hire a cleaning person so I won't have to ues it at all myself!
Your new wreath is quite a work of art, very pretty. I sure hope you enjoy vacuuming with your new Bissell, nothing like having a good one. For years I had an awful vacuum cleaner, but wouldn't go get another because just didn't know what kind to buy, so many to choose from. A friend encouraged me to get an Oreck, so I did. That was about 3 years ago and with my purchase it included a small vacuum canister great for small areas and a wonderful iron. I am happy because it does a wonderful job and is so lightweight and I hope to use it for many years.
Blessings to you and yours 2009-
I've never dared to buy an upright because I'm afraid they are too heavy to drag up the stairs......but maybe the sucking power makes it all worth while :)
Thanks for the tip!
I love my vacuum too...I have a Dyson and it is FANTASTIC! I gave my Hoover (?) to my mom and she hates it as much as I did... off to the garbage it goes!
Your wreath is beautiful! Happy New Year!
Hi Rhoda :)
I'm just now catching up myself... whew!
The wreath turned out beautiful!! Now I want to try it myself :)
I love my Dyson Animal vacuum, but I think having 3 dogs worth of hair is killing it LOL
Happy New Year sweet friend and thank you for making me feel so welcome here in Blogland from the very beginning :)
First off, your wreath is just amazing! So beautiful. :)
Second, glad you love your new vacuum so much. It will make using it such a pleasant experience! Mine is good, but I don't use it that much since I mostly have wood floors throughout the house. Carpeting in all the bedrooms and a few area rugs here and there.
Have a blessed new year!
Ooo, your wreath is beautiful! I have mostly wood floors, so I bought a canister vac (Royal) last year. But I have to say that it is heavy, unwieldy and hard to maneuver in tight spots. I hate it. But then, I hate vacuuming anyway...
Have fun on your shopping expedition! Can't wait to see all the goodies you get!
Yes, I absolutely love my vacuum, too! I have had a Dyson for the past 4 years and absolutely love it! I am amazed each time I vaccum to see just what all it manages to suck up in my house! I don't know where it all comes from!
Glad you found one that you are happy with --and for such a great price, too!
BTW...I am loving that wreath, too! Love the frosted glass balls! Adorable!
I thought almost for sure yours was the vacuum my husband brought home for me last week, but it's not. It is the Bissel Track Revolution. And yes I love it!! I can't believe all the dog hair I have been sleeping and eating in. Yucko!! Make sure you "whistle while you Bissel" ;)
xoxo Janie
Take every appliance I own, but leave me my Dyson.
Love the wreath! Sounds like a fun project. Our Target here still had lots of their ornaments 75% off. I have time? Maybe.
Wowza! Love that wreath! I'm going to have to go back and look at Eddies instuctions!
Lovin a vac? Why not! I've had a Dyson animal for several years now...has a few new parts, but holding strong. And the sucker can really suck!
Every girl needs one of those babies~
Hahaha...we just got a new vacuum, too, and it really sucks! :-) I love it -- it's a Kenmore canister. We danced around the living room this weekend and sucked up dog hairs like nobody's business.
I went to the Garden shop in Irondale... have you been there?
I picked up plenty of ornaments at 75% off. I'll pack them away until next year.
Love your new wreath, going to have to check out Eddie's sight...seems he is a genius!
I have had several vacuums...some I've loved...others I've hated. I currently have 2 vacuums...excessive...nah...I have an Oreck for upstairs (mainly because it is lightweight and there is virtually no traffic upstairs except when company comes) and I have a Dyson Animal for downstairs. It gets lots of use...and the commercial says..."it really sucks"...I love mine so much...I bought both sets of kids one for their 2nd daughter and DIL say they are the BEST gifts they've ever received...b/c their husbands LOVE using them...and now do ALL the even though they are a bit pricey...I would say they are well worth it. My son and DIL got the latest version of the Dyson Animal...on a pivot ball...I am so jealous...I should have given them my hand me down...and bought that one for myself! Oh WELL, live and learn!
Funny how we all love our vacs...of course...I love my husband, too...and YES he loves to use the Dyson...Yet, one more reason I LOVE him!
Thanks so much for the info....I am going to look for one right now!!!!!!! The one I have now sounds like a fighter jet engine:):) And, it is NOT very efficient. Thanks again....and I LOOOVE the wreath, am going to try that too! Pinky
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