Happy Friday and have I got some exciting news today that I haven't mentioned, but has been in the works for a few weeks now.
No, not me and my hubby. You and I are moving to a new BLOG address. Hope you’ll all join me over at my new place, still comfortable as an old pair of shoes, the new and improved, Southern Hospitality. I went ahead and bought my own domain name like many others have done and I’m now using Wordpress instead of Blogger.
With the Internet Explorer and Blogger issues that have been happening lately, I just felt it was time to move and settle in at a new address with my own name: Southern Hospitality Blog
Southern Hospitality.com wasn’t available, so I had to take the next best thing, but from here on out, this is where I’ll be: southernhospitalityblog.com
And here is the direct link: Southern Hospitality
Now, what I need for ALL of you to do is this:
- You will need to click on Subscribe to my blog to restart a new blog subscription for the NEW blog and add the NEW blog url to your subscription service. Many of you subscribe on Google Reader or a feed reader of some sort and I would encourage ALL of you to try that if you haven’t. It’s a great way to keep up with your favorite blogs and you can see in an instant when a blog is updated with a new post. I don’t want you to miss a thing! You will see a Subscribe button over at the new blog (as there is here) and all you have to do is click on that and add my NEW blog to your subscription list. Easy!
- If you have my blog link on your sidebars, PLEASE update that also with the new url address for the NEW Southern Hospitality blog. That way all of your friends and readers can find me too.
- If you have my blog button on your sidebars (and I hope you do), PLEASE grab the new code button from over there (which will now link directly to the NEW blog) and change that out in your template to update too.
- Update your Thrifty Treasures button with the new code too, so that your buttons will link back correctly.
Thanks SO much to all of you for being so supportive of my blog these last 2 1/2 years! I’m looking forward to many more years of fun and projects with all of you. Now I’ll be settled into a permanent home and I want all of you to feel at home there. You’ll notice that the look is nearly identical as this one is and I may be tweaking and changing things around a little bit, but it will now be my new home. I'm very excited about the move and I want all of you there too. Please don't leave me!
And it’s only going to be a good move if YOU come along with me. So, please help me make this move smooth and seamless by taking the time to adjust your links and buttons for me.
Thank you SO much!! If you click on over, you’ll find a new post up and things will go on as usual over there.This will be the last post here at Blogger, so hurry on over!

14 friends stopped by:
You should use Mozilla Firefox, not Internet Explorer. THAT is the problem. A lot of my readers had problems awhile back. The problem was that they were using Internet Explorer.
I am so computer illiterate!! I'm calling Hubby to help me here! I'll hopefully get set up with you!
**No yardsaling tomorrow-definitley a running morning!! :) Have fun though!
I agree Firefox is way better than Internet Explorer!
I'm off to go fix the button on my blog.
Congrats on your new home!
Good for you... Im following right behind ya! Hope the move is smooth! See ya at your new place~
I'm on my way, & I'll give it a try - Robyn
:( I am sad as in at work I have access to read the bloog site but no internet sites...*SNIFF* I'll miss you here.
BTW-firefox IS way better.
I've been considering this very thing, Rhoda. I'm going to have a look at yours and think about moving, a bit more, before making my decision, but it is something I've thought about for quite some time.
I also, switched to Firefox, when those error windows started popping up, when I tried to visit blogs. I really believe that was a good move, for me.
all this time, I thought those error messages were just me and my pc not getting along! happy to know different...going to your new blog now!
Rhoda, I've made all the link changes...Congrats on the move! I've moved as well - could you please update my link from "One Woman's Cottage Life" in your blogroll to my current location at Twice Remembered? Thank you so much!
.....I have been with you for just about all of your 2.5 of course I will join you :)...hopping o over now
Enjoy your new home !!!
xo Kathy :)
Excited about your new "home"!! We're faithful and will never leave you. Blog button is updated on my blog. Thanks for all you do!
I love your blog it is one I check everyday! Hopefully I can move with you! i am not really great at this computer thing..But i'm gonna give it a good ol girl try! Come visit me at my blog and leave me a comment I would love to have you! Stephanie
May your move be all sunshine and roses!
Just wanted to say hello. I found you on Alabama Bloggers. :)
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