One of my favorite spaces in the house is my laundryroom just because it's so darn cute and happy, so I thought y'all might enjoy seeing it all again. I posted it last year when I did the black and white
peel and stick tile project here, but didn't post all that many pics and I have so many new readers now that I doubt you've all seen it and I doubt you've all read my 145 posts from 2007. This time I went all around the room, so you can see the whole thing. I love this little space and doing laundry isn't nearly so hard to do now.
Most of this came from my old sunroom and screened porch, so it was easy to come up with gardeny things for this room. And gardens make me happy, so it was a perfect match. You may recognize the bunny weathervane from Target that SO many of us picked up 2 years ago. I had my eye on him for months and finally scored it for about 75% off. That white hanging cabinet was an old pine castoff from my parents that I took and painted, adding the molding to it to dress it up a bit.
Wall color is Behr Grasscloth (at Home Depot).
I knew I needed something in here to hang clothes on, so I bought a closet rod from Lowes and painted it black. Added the wooden brackets to the wall and side of the cabinet and figured out the height I would need for it. Works great for hanging up damp clothes.

Those 2 garden prints were a gift from one of my Birmingham friends.
Found the laundry sign at TJ Maxx. Powder laundry detergent is stored in the harlequin box and dryer sheets in the red basket. I put this shelf here to disguise the washer hoses right below. You hardly notice it now.

More garden things on this Homegoods shelf....and bunnies...did I mention bunnies?!
A yardsale frame got a new print to go with the laundryroom.
All of this is from my old porch and sunroom. That's a decoupaged old window with dried flowers which I found at a yardsale.
Cute birdhouses and topiaries.
Bunnies and plants
This was my old island in my Georgia kitchen and was made from scratch with granite tiles. Note the bunny pulls.
Added this molding to the front of the cabinet to jazz it up a little, as well as crown molding. You would never know this was an old utility room castoff now.
Valance that my mom made for my old screened porch. I used left over fringe from my kitchen window treatment.
A garden rug was a big inspiration for this little room and goes perfectly with the new peel and stick tiles.
One of my blog readers sent me an email recently to let me know that she had used my laundryroom as an inspiration for her redo and used the same colors and similar accessories in there. It turned out SO cute, so go and have a look at
Tam's laundryroom. Hers is in the basement of her home and I think she has done a fantastic job with it all. I love the fabric she chose too, as well as all the little details that pull it all together. Great job, Tam!
Hope you enjoyed the tour and maybe you'll get some inspiration of your own for a pretty and fun laundryroom. If yours is not big or pretty, look around and see what you can do to improve it. I know there's something you can do to make this chore easier to do! My old house just had bifold doors for the laundryroom, so this one is huge to me.
107 friends stopped by:
Just lovely - I would spend all my time doing laundry!!
Oh, you are so wrong! I have gone back to every one of your posts. I am glad to see more of your cute room. I would love this but with 5 kids afraid the piles of clothes would suffocate the bunnies. The smell alone from my son's football practice uniforms would make all the topiaries droop over. Seriously, I hope to get to this room of my house one day and find some cute things at garage sales to add to it to make it more joyful to enter. I cleaned ours on Sat and my husband walked in and shouted that this was one great laundry room. (4 of my kids were gone so I got all the hanging clothes put up and there were none to wash)
Your laundry room is great! My washer/dryer are stacked next to the boys shower but I dream of someday having a 'real' laundry room! (having it in the boys bathroom is better than my last house where it was about 50ft out the back door in an open garage!)
Okay, now maybe if I dressed my laundry room into a Laundry Room I wouldn't mind going in so much, what do you think? Very imaginative!
I love this room! It's so much better than the dungeon I do my laundry in! Jen R
Love the laundry room, you are such an inspiration with all your decorating ideas that you share, thank you. I have a laundry room but not as large as yours (old one was a closet) and I have those new tall front load types that I am not sure I like (hard to get into the cabinet above washer and dryer) but thankful for what space I do have.
Don't we always want something different...ha ha
Well, I've read quite a few of your old posts! LOL
Your laundry room is adorable! I love the color of the walls, and all the assessories. This room would make a 'not so fun' task lots more pleasurable!
Great photos!
Have a great day,
Oh my gosh! This makes me want to do laundry! (maybe that was your M.O., hahaha) My laundry "room" is a dingy corner in my 100-year-old-plus mildewy basement. I think I'll keep that off my blog, lest someone's eyeballs rupture just from looking at it. :-)
Oh my, it is so cute. You have inspired me to do mine now! Mine is the only room in the house that I haven't laid a finger on... so sad! No more:)
Oh my goodness, Rhoda, this is adorable!! I have been contemplating going green in my laundry room for some time, and you may have sold me. It ALMOST makes me want to do laundry! Just love it!
My laundry area is in a closet. While I love it because it is on the second floor where most of the laundry comes from and goes to, there is not much room for decorating. Any ideas for decorating a laundry closet? Right now I have two antique washboards (which I've been known to use), and a shark vac hanging on the walls. The back wall has a set of cabinets to hold laundry stuff and cleaning stuff for upstairs.
May I ask where you find your bird cages? Lately I have been wanting to find a nice white wood bird cage for decoration.
Your laundry room makes me smile and I can see how it makes it easier to do the wash!
Rhoda, that is the best laundry room I have seen yet. I have cabinets above my washer and dryer and all around it. I would love to somehow incorporate some of your design but I will have to think of how.
Rhoda... If I had a laundry room I would love to fold clothes.... I love E*V*E*R*Y*T*H*I*N*G.... That room just makes you smile! oh ... just wanted you to know... I love pictures guess thats why I love you so. You always give us great pictures... Love it! Susie H~
That's a great room, Rhoda. I really like the green and black, and I've always been a fan of that island from your old kitchen.
My laundry "room" is in my basement. I wonder if I'll ever get the gumption to actually do something decorative with it. Probably I'm just happy to have my washer and dryer NEXT to each other. In my apartment, they were on opposite sides of the basement. Talk about a pain in the butt!
Hi Rhoda -
Your laundry room is fantastic! I can see why you love it so much. You are an inspiration to me. I've been trying to figure out how to get a couple of things into my teeny, tiny space. Now I know what to look for and how to add them. My laundry room opens right off of the dining next to the table! It goes into a small half bath on the other end and has a door into the garage. It's convenient for doing laundry but oh, so small. And it's a pass-through room. The challenges don't stop it from being something special. Because the door opens right into the dining room there's all the more reason to have it be something very special. I'm working on it. Thanks for sharing again. (I HAVE gone back and read all of your posts!)
LOVE LOVE LOVE your adorable laundry room! I have looked at your set of house pictures a few times and always admired your laundry room. It has just the kind of decor I like. I am inspired to do something fresh and new in my own. Thanks for your wonderful blog - it brightens up my day!
I love it! The green is so pretty and it just shines...That gives me inspiration to get the junk out of our laundry room, since it has now become a catch all. Thank you again for great ideas! : )
Hi Rhoda, I did enjoy the tour, it's beautiful. Although nothing could ever make me enjoy doing laundry, you have made quite a nice space for yourself. Deb
Happy green is the perfect name for it, because it does, in fact, make me happy. I love the scratch table! Thanks!
Thanks for sharing. My laundry room has been a work in progress for some time now. I hope to get it completed soon. I have the black and white square lynolum (sp?) too. Love it!
I love the color!
I just love your laundry room, especially the bunny weather vane - I have the exact same one on top of a chest in my living room.
Thanks for the tour.
To cute, what a great space. I just did my laudry room a few weeks ago and it makes such a huge difference in doing laundry now. I actually think I may be caught up! Thanks for sharing.
The island is awsome, it is so unique and I love the black and cream mixed. Great Job!
Many blessings, dana
I do love your laundry can't get into mine, sigh.
This must be the preeties laundry room I have ever seen! Absolutely love it! And of course the bunnies are my favorite. I have tried to search back through, but I don't remember seeing pictures of your kitchen. Can you post those? If your laundry room is this cute I just can't imagine what the kitchen looks like!
Sweet Blessings,
Beautiful ideas! We have the very same peel and stick floor in our laundry room (but still have white walls). I'll have to re-think the laundry room and make it prettier! Thanks for the inspiration.
It looks great, Rhoda. I love the green, and the white and black accentuate perfectly.
I know how you feel, because I love my laundry room, too.
What a cheery and fabulous laundry room! I wouldn't mind laundry so much in here! :) ~Rhonda
Now that is a cute laundry room. Black and white floors are hard to beat, that's something I'd like to have in the kitchen, but I'm afraid to paint the wood.
Girl I loved every inch of this room...I would have to sit alittle chair in there so I could call it my quiet space! lol It's just so pretty and everywhere your eye falls is just another wow factor..I love that flooring and that green color in there is so fresh and crisp looking like it was made for a laundry room...lots of great inspiration in there girl...thanks for sharing...hope you have had a great day!
Oh My, WOW, your laundry room is so swesome. Mine is still in the 70's and really needs help. We have so many projects that we are working on,it will be awhile. Thanks for some great ideas that I may have to copy :) Love Bunnies :)
Thanks for sharing. Warmly, Deb
I swear Rhoda, I think you have the cutest darn laundry room I have ever seen.
I would be doing laundry everyday!!
My washer and dryer are in my garage, so it's not quite that fun.
Stopped by from Susie's blog...I love the way you took your old treasures along with the new and coordinated inspired me to move to my laundry room next...
enjoyed all of your blog...
oh my goodness...I am just pulling up my cot and cup of Starbucks and living there. Can I? I can squeeze really. I love the green so much I did my great room in it, but my laundry room is depressing. The really bad thing is is that every one comes in through the laundry room. I am hopping to it. I love the molding on the cabinets. I have those cabinets and am doing that pronto.
Another darling, cheerful space you have provided for our enjoyment...Love it!
:-) Brown-Eyes
You don't mind spending time doing laundry in a room that is so adorable. You did a great job decorating it.
You don't mind spending time doing laundry in a room that is so adorable. You did a great job decorating it.
Fresh and fun....LOVE it Rhoda!
Love your sweet laundy room. If my room was big enough, I'd love to steal some of your ideas. By the way, my kitchen is done in the exact same "grasscloth" green color and I have LOVED it for years now. I use black, red, white, gold and brown accent colors with it. I use roosters like you use bunnies. Thanks for sharing!
Now if my laundry room looked like that.... actually, my laundry room will NEVER look like that. Who am I kidding?!!
But Rhoda, it certainly is gorgeous.
oh my I should not have come here today, I have this urge to get off my behind and run into my is a bad place at the mom, all it needs is some love, just like yours, I love the 'laundry' sign, oh it looks so CALM, how come mine is like, errrrr, not calm, lol
so where are the wetsuits hanging in front of your eyes, the unfolded laundry, the unironed laundry, the un-put-away laundry, the spare freezer and my list goes on and on
maybe I'll just go stand in there and look and imagine
or in face I might do Flylady on it and see what I can achieve in 15 mins
thanks Rhoda for yet more inspiration, oh and yep I'm with Southerner I am going back to all all your posts.
ok-you are one amazing lady! I am pretty sure that your talent can be seen for miles around. Does everyone talk about you and whisper and point when you walk by? Saying-yep that's her. The one with the freakin cutest laundry room in the world. She is the woman who inspired us all to make our laundry space a little better!!
Can't wait to see what else is on your blog. Please stop by and say hello! I love to make friends with so much talent, that way I can steel their ideas and pass them off as my own! j/k :)
Rhoda - your laundry room is PERFECT! What a happy place. I have so many projects on my plate right now but have just added another thanks to this post. I absolutely HAVE to do something fun with my laundry room now.
I love it! You inspire me. I have a shelf on my wall with my pewter and a few vintagey things on it. Seems I have more little shoes in my laundry room though:)
Hi Rhoda! I hope this finds you well. I would like you to visit my blog when you can,as I have something for you there.
Take care,
I love this. You have such classy ideas.
WOW! This is the happiest laundry room I have ever seen!! Thanks for sharing.
I love your Target bunny, the wall color (nice of you to post the paint), the laundry sign and the high black shelf - I think I like it all:)
WOW! Love the green how clever is that! Thanks for the idea! Love it!
I still love to look at your laundry room. Eventhough I have been reading your blog since before the last laundry room post.
I think it's wonderful to have such a cheerful environment in a room that is dreaded by probably every woman(and some men)in America.
I would love to have a laundry room like this! I've been thinking about doing the black and white tile. I may have to add a laundry room re-do to my list!
Thanks for sharing!
WOW Rhoda! I don't think I would ever fall behind on laundry with a room that wonderful. You have created a fabulous space as always Rhonda.
I do want to ask if you have any suggestions on creating a laundry room that is child (preteen) friendly. I have my girls help with laundry often, so I would want a room that is comfortable for them to work in.
Have a great week!
I do think you have the nicest & prettiest laundry room I've ever had the pleasure to "tour" :)
I continue to love your laundry room. It's such a bright and cheerful space. I just love all of your decorations...:)
Thank you for linking to my laundry room makeoever that you inspired.
Have a wonderful day,
That is probably, no, it is the most beautiful laundry room I have ever seen! The black and white tiles really make everything pop. You have an amazing talent for decorating. Love your blog. I have bookmarked you for future visits. :) Amy
Now you've upped the ante of my expectations for my laundry room makeover. I've got to rethink what I've planned. Thanks.
It is so pretty. I just love checking out what beautiful idea you come up with everyday.
All I can says is W.O.W.!!!!My laundry room has never looked like this...LOL...This is awesome....Something that I will keep in mind when I build my next house...LOL...I love it!!!! Hope you are having a blessed day... Monta :))
My kingdom for a laundry room like that! It's beautiful, and I adore those peel and stick tiles, they're perfect.
I love your blog!!!!!!! So much so I gave it an award... Check my blog to find out! Will back often to visit!! :D
I love your laundry room! The colour and accessories and that gorgeous black & white tiled floor...beautiful!
That is the cutest happy green laundry room, I'd almost be excited to do laundry if I had a cute room like that.
What a beautiful laundry room, Rhoda! I wish mine looked like that (I can hardly move around in mine, it's so small).
Doing laundry would be fun in a pretty room like that!
Whoa! What a beautiful laundry room! I'll kill for that.
My laundry room in a closet in the kitchen. I do need to spruce it up for sure and you have inspired me! Thanks!
I have been daydreamin' about your laundry room all day...Susie H~
Hi cute girl!
I'm trying to get caught up but it might take me awhile.. your laundry room is adorable - fun and so cleverly done.. love it Rhoda!!
I am so glad to have found your site and have had a great time sneaking around and viewing MANY of your posts. Your laundry room is precious! I love it! A friend and I had a little redesign business for a couple of years. It was lots of fun.
Ugh! I was all set to redo my laundry room in an aqua green/blue sort of color...I have already bought the paint and the fabric that I am recovering the cupboards with...but after seeing YOUR just takes my breath what am I gonna do? lol
This is my first visit to your blog, won't be my last!!!
It's the prettiest laundry room I've ever seen. Also, I've gone through your entire blog. So many great ideas and recipes!
Brandee :-)
What a gorgeous space you've created, Rhoda! I love the green, and I can't believe how inviting a room it is...even if it does involve doing laundry!!
Oh my goodness, that is fabulous! Almost makes me want to do laundry :)
What a gorgeous laundry room. I think I could keep my laundry caught up if I had a great room like this. Just Lovely!!
Dear Rhoda, I loved seeing more pictures of your wonderful laundry are so inspiring!
Love, Kim
Oh my gosh I love love love this green laundry room! It is so bright and fun....even makes you want to be in there! Fabulous!
Rhoda, you have a very beautiful laundry room and I love how you've decorated it.
I am sooooo glad that you posted this again! When I first began reading blogs I remembered seeing someone's beautiful green laundry room. I even suspected it might have been yours but I couldn't find the post again.
I'm thinking that I want to use that color in my new laundry. Thanks for the inspiration!
I have that same rabbit vein in my living room. I LOVE rabbits! I love the color of your laundry room too, what is the color?
I would actually love to do laundry of I had that room.
LOVE the green!
That is great. I love those colors together. I have a current black and white kitchen that I was thinking of painting a very similar green. It is great to see how well it is going to go with the black counter tops and black/white floor. (I just wish I could get rid of the the white cabinets!)
You do have one of the best laundry rooms I've seen. That fresh green is a great foil against the crisp black and white.
I just loooove your laundry room! I would brazenly copy all of your decorating in there if I had a laundry room myself. :-)
Ours is tucked in a closet off our master bath, which is very convenient, but I do miss having a separate room for it--if for no other reason than there's nothing to decorate!
Thanks so much for showing this again. Also love your checked floors. I had similar ones in a kitchen two houses ago and they made the whole room feel more cheerful and fun. -Julia
yep yep yep....i LOVE your laundry room!!!! Toooo incredibly CUTE!!! :)
This is probably the prettiest laundry room I have ever seen!
I love your laundry room!! I am in the process of redoing mine. I am having difficulity finding the black/white tiles. Where did you find your. Thanks for sharing your ideas. June
Rhoda, I am new to your blog and I have been looking at your archives and I have already put 4 different post in my favs for inspiration and now I am adding the laundry room I am about to do my laundry room that I call the hole.It is not large enough to decorate but I am sure I can make it better than it is. I like the idea of the black and white stick on tiles. I have a guest bath with black and white check floor in marble and granite and it is my dream bath so the laundry would look cute in something like the more practical stick ons.I can see I will be here at your blog a lot.Thank you ,Kathysue.PS I actually have my house posted at rms and under Kathysue If you are interested in seeing my guest bath. I think you might enjoy it and my kitchen.Just up your alley with the colors of black and white and green.
Rhoda- this is sooo adorable! I just want you to know that I just spent the last three hours reading your blog - all the way back!!!! I read all about your father and his family and all your jobs you've done. You really post a lot! I'm jealous. I need to post more. And I saw where your husband has THREE children!!! I never knew that before. Anyway - this is the cutest laundry room I've ever seen and I"m green with envy. I don't even have a laundry room. My machines are in the garage.
FLAWLESS, perfection!!!! I would have no prob. doing laundry in that room!
OMG what a cute laundry room! Maybe I should rethink my color and paint it your color. Green is my favorite color. hmmmmmmmm!!!!
I LOVE Your laundry room, please come and do mine!! I love the black accents and the green walls! Reminds me of my old laundry room! You are so talented and have great decortaing style!
Now THIS is a laundry room!!!! I love EVERYTHING about it... the color is perfect... and what I wouldn't do for a black and white checked floor!! Love it. You are an unbelievably talented decorator. :)
Love're very talented!
I love it! Wow! I'm going to show your room to my hubby and see if I can get some dough to show my laundry room some love! I thought first "I'd love doing laundry in there!" and then I thought "It's too good for that! I'd make that my office or something... forget laundry!" :o)
Rhoda- it's SO pretty! I think I like your re-purposed island the best.
This is awesome! I love your idea for your cabinet and rods!! I am looking to redo my laundry room soon and I will be taking a cue from you!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Could I love it more? My favorite colors all in one room.... I'm so inspired, thank you thank you!
WOW!!! What a great space - so cheerful. I have been thinking about getting the LAUNDRY letters from Ballard's. Keep hoping I will find something very similar at TJMaxx or somewhere. :-)
I love your blog as well!!!
What a cute and nicely decorated laundry room! Very cute!
Ok, is there a comfy chair in there too so I can sit and sip my tea while I do laundry? BEAUTIFUL room!
I'm always so incredibly inspired by your posts! Wow! I live in AL too and just love your style and talent! Thanks for sharing! I love your laundry room!!!
so lovely - I used to have that same metal rack that your bunny sits on! I gave it to my SIL- I should ask for it back!
I would be very VERY happy with this laundry room. Mine is in a closet. Actually always has been wherever we lived.
now that puts my laundry room to shame. i love the rabbit!
Holy Cow you have a nice laundry room.....I love to do laundry & would never come out of that room!!
LOVED the tour! Such inspiration!
This has got to be one of the cutest laundry rooms I've ever seen. I absolutely love it!
ummmmm.... wow. YOU.ARE.AMAZING! that is THE cutest LR i have ever seen! wow, just wow!
see my home:
Rhoda~help! I'm about ready to pee my pants! I got the grasscloth and it is looking neon in my laundry room~Did you gasp when you first started painting, or do you think it's because of my lighting? It's scaring me~any advice??
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