Sunday, May 31, 2009

Treasure Hunting


The weekend got off to a good start, when on Friday, I was returning home after running some errands and saw…yes, a yardsale sign right in my own neighborhood. It was a 2 day sale and I almost didn’t go by, since it was already 12:30 and most of the time, the good things are long gone by then. But, that day turned out to be different. These folks had LOTS of great stuff, antiques and collectibles. I took a quick look around and this shabby cabinet caught my eye. It had a Sold sign on it and was marked $25 (she had originally marked it at $40), so I asked if it was indeed Sold. They said that the people who wanted it changed their minds, so it was mine. Yippee! She bought it at Lakewood Antiques (for I’m quite sure much more than I paid) in Atlanta, one of my favorite old haunts, that is sadly gone. So, this means something special to me, since I spent many a Saturday at Lakewood, browsing the treasures.


It’s shabbied up just right with chippy white paint. See the handle, one of those old-fashioned wooden turns. And it’s quite large at about 3x3’ .


Cute, huh?


Shelves inside will be great for display. I’m thinking dishes. But, the question now is: Where do I put it?? Here are my choices, so y’all can help me brainstorm this. Anywhere in my house will require moving things around, which you know I don’t mind doing.


A logical place would be to take this black shelf down in the downstairs guestbath and put it above the toilet.


Or, how would it look over my cupboard in the kitchen? Filled with dishes. I’d have to rearrange all of this but it could be done.


I could take down one set of shelves in the diningroom and add it there OR how would it look over the sideboard instead of the mirror. I’m in a quandry. Where do I put it? I love it, so I’d really like to put it in a good spot, even though it means rearranging things. It may be too shabby to put in the dining room. I wish I had an extra wall in the kitchen, but maybe over the cupboard would be good.


At the same sale, I picked up this large Wedgewood creamy white platter for $3. It’s a beauty too.


Delicate details on the edge.


And stamped on the back. Anyone know anything about Wellesley Wedgewood? I sure don’t, so fill me in if you do. It’s even engraved in another spot with Wedgewood on the back.


Found a frame for Fifi’s painting that I just showed you, for $2. See, this always happens, when I need something, it turns up in a short time. That’s the beauty of yardsales! Now, this one will have to be painted, but for $2, that’s a no-brainer.


Remember those green napkins from last weekend? Found 4 more in almost the identical fabric (minus the white trim), these were $1 for all.


And I just love this little beauty for $3. A pretty candolier that will go outside somewhere. Maybe under that gazebo that we will probably put on the deck. :) This one is pretty big and I just love it. I can add candles there all around the flat curved part too.

So, that’s all I bought this weekend. I did good, huh?! Now, let me show you just 2 things that I saw that were great buys. Of course, I have no room for them, but this is the kind of thing I see all the time out there.


This was a gorgeous set of painted furniture, full size bed (headboard & footboard), dresser, which you can’t see, but it was really pretty with a nice mirror attached too, and this chest, all for $300. How cute is this?!


And this piece was in my neighorhood too, same place I bought the shabby wall cabinet, great lines on it, wouldn’t it be beautiful all painted up? $130, a steal! In case you aren’t convinced that yardsales are great, this is just a small sampling of what is out there, at least in my town.

So, those are my prizes. How did YOU do this weekend? You know how to play with Mr. Linky by now, so add your post and let’s get Monday rolling.

Remember to please link back to THIS post in your post, so that everyone can find the party. And that's just common courtesy with blog parties. And also remember to add you permalink (your blog party post url, NOT your blog url) please! Some of you still don't have that right!

1. Nissa
2. Kammy-Small Home in the Country
3. Olive Rue
4. ALVN of WhisperWood Cottage (Beach Cottage Cabinet)
5. Carol @ Old Glory Cottage
6. Junkologie
7. Puna - my yard sale
8. Kathi
9. Debbie @...Plate Addict
10. Pat@Back Porch Musings
11. Manuela @ Pleasures of Homemaking
12. Dawn - Big Fat Pencils
13. Junk-Fest
14. marty@ A Stroll thru Life
15. Amanda @ Serenity Now (Girls Gone Yard Saling!)
16. The Shabby Chic Cottage
17. Mandy @ Great Expectations
18. Beth
19. Beverly @ The Buzz
20. Brittany
21. Cathy
22. Brittany
23. Heather
24. MelanieElissa
25. Mary
26. Dab of This and that
27. Arlene @ For the Love of It
28. Helen JOY
29. Pam @ Cocomama
30. Horseshoes 2 yr old style
31. Jenn@First Comes Love
32. White Dish - paulsbride
33. Charla @ For the Sake of Time
34. Twice As Nice
35. Jen@Balancing Beauty and Bedlam(furniture fun)
36. Toni
37. Sofia@Expressive Creations
38. Angie @ The Happy Homebody
39. chris @ free range furnishings
40. Chandy
41. The Bloom Girls - Loveseat in need of Love
42. Shery
43. Shery (Friday)
44. Amanda@ Imperfectly Beautiful
45. Sue@SullivanandMurphy
47. Debbie
48. A Beach Cottage ~ Vintage Shabby Old Dresser
49. Reluctant Entertainer
50. Puna - the yard sale money
51. Renee @ Cottage Lifestyle
52. Days of Grace
53. Southernseven ( my $5 chandi plus many other great deals)
54. Mary Lou @marmielu's Nest
55. Llyn M
56. glenda
57. Queen of Fifty Cents
58. TidyMom
59. Jen's Thrift Store Treasures
60. Nichole @ Abounding Blessings
61. Patricia@InMyFreeTime
62. Grannyann-a bird house day
63. mytinyrobotheart vintage bedsheet quilt
64. Cassie
65. Caro's Treasures of the Week!! :)
66. Junk Mammas
67. Vanessa
68. Rebecca at How I Burb
69. Kim-Manning Family Tree
70. SusieQ
71. Katie @ Clean and Classic Interiors (and a giveaway!)
72. Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage
73. The Undomesticated Wife
74. Sara @ Be Still and Know
75. Kennesha @ Me & My House
76. RedAries-Home decor
77. Lady Katherine
78. Terry @ Cherished Treasures
79. Tina~Adventures in Decorating
80. Carla@Tales of the T's
81. Caroline@Forever Vintage
82. MyFragrantLife
83. Deb @ Wise Old Owl

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90 friends stopped by:

Nissa said...

Great finds! I really, really like the creamy white Wedgewood platter. This is my very first time posting in your Thrifty Treasures :)

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

Can't wait to see what you do with everything! I like the cabinet in the bathroom, but it will great wherever you put it! You always make everything look wonderful!

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Love that cabinet! Come see the one I found! :)


Kammy said...

Great deals Rhoda ! That furniture is so great and you are right about the lines....I love your little cabinet and what a price ! Isn't it funny how you find things that you need ? I didn't have any luck at garage sales but, did at the thrift stores.....
Thanks for hostessing again !
Hugs ~ Kammy

★Carol★ said...

I'm SO glad you didn't hem and haw about it, you just bought the cabinet, and worried about where to put it later! I just love it! And I agree with you about when you decide you want something, it usually turns up at a yard sale. Happens to me all the time!

Heather Rodriguez said...

That white shelf should definitely go in the bathroom! I love it!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I vote for the bathroom as well. Cute little cabinet!!

Puna said...

What a cute little shelf! You always find the best stuff! I had a yard sale this weekend. I'm sure that the folks who came made a killing.

Dawn said...

Great finds! I love that white cabinet! My vote is to put it above the toilet.

I'm a little depressed after seeing that candelier, though. I bought the same one from SLAH about 3 years ago and paid about $70 for it! I still have never found the right spot for it, either!

Anonymous said...

I CANNOT believe you got that cabinet for $25. What a steal, Rhoda. I love all the other things you found too.

I added the nail heads to one chair. And I'm torn right down the middle. Ughhh! I posted a pic on today's post. Let me know if this is what you had envisioned, please dahling!!!!

Kathi said...

I don't know Rhoda, that cabinet looks a bit "too" shabby for you.
I think you should give it to me!
Just kidding. Can't wait to see what you do with it! Love the white Wedgewood plate. I got a pretty floral one that just matches my "new" tablecloth!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Ohhh Rhoda...You know I LOVE that Wedgewood platter! What a steal! The white bedroom furniture is it! Wow! If I had seen that frenchy hutch a few years ago, I would have grabbed it!I have one now. I also vote the bathroom for that cute shabby cabinet! Great finds, as usual! Have a great week...Debbie

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

I love it all, especially the cabinet. As soon as I saw it, I thought bathroom, because I've been looking around for a piece like that for our bathroom, here at the lake.

Anonymous said...

Welleslley Wedgewood was my mother-in-law's wedding china and I have many pieces left although not a complete set in spite of the fact that she had place settings for a kazillion people to start (500 at the wedding.) Anyway, they were married in 1950 so that gives you an idea of when it was available, before or after I don't know. Google it and you'll find places that buy/sell odd pieces. I just saw a dinner plate for $29.50 so you did well!

the pleasures of homemaking said...

Goodness! I had to try 7 times to get your blog to stay open!! That weird IE message kept popping up.

Anyway....LOL! Love the shabby cabinet (can't see it in your dining room though)and Wedgewood dish! You have some great yardsales in your area!


Shelly said...

Hey Rhoda! I vote for the bathroom, too!

I have the chandelier from Southern Living At Home as well. Luckily, I got mine as a hostess gift, but it originally sold for around $75! Good find! I have used mine outside, inside, and even for a hot chocolate bar at a progressive dinner at Christmastime! I lined it with red and green napkins and put little bowls around the bottom, filled with marshmallows, candy canes, and chocolate chips! We had festive votive candles in the candle holders! Enjoy!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh, you did find some really great treasures. I love the little cabinet and it would be just gorgeous filled with dishes. I don't have any suggestions as to where to put it, but I think it could be used almost anywhere. Your area does have some beautiful furniture pieces at super prices. Loved the tour. Hugs, Marty

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Oh, Rhoda, I am so jealous! You always find the best stuff!! We had sort of a dud of a weekend again, but I am hoping things will look up next Saturday.

I love your cabinet, and I liked it best in place of that black shelf or in your kitchen.

You did good! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing finds! You are so inspiring - thanks for hosting this party week after week. I really look forward to joining and to seeing what everyone else found. It keeps the excitment of yard sales going long past Saturday. It seems that the consensus for the cabinet is in the bathroom and I concur. I don't think it is right for the dining room and the display over your buffet is already perfect as is.

Tara said...

Hi R:

Such gorgeous dishes! Tara

Anonymous said...

Looks like you made a couple great buys, as ususal. Hope you have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

Rhoda - Lakewood Antiques is still open - they just moved up to Cumming. It's open the 3rd weekend (I think) each month. About 5 minutes from my house.

Anonymous said...

I paid lots of money for that same candolier from Southern Living!!!!! =) Good buy!

The Queen of Fifty Cents said...

I'm voting for the spot in the kitchen, second choice would be the bathroom. Isn't rearranging fun?

Unknown said...

That is a great piece wherever you put it. I'm anxious to see what you decide!

Brandi said...

Wow! You did great! I love that cabinet. I've been busy this weekend and couldn't look for any treasures, but maybe I can join ya next Monday! Have a good week.

Sandra said...

What great finds! I'd love to find beauties like that in my area. :)

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I love your little cabinet. I think you should put it in the bathroom.

Roxanne said...

Another vote for the bathroom! I can't wait to see what you do with it!

Unknown said...

Hi Rhoda,
Love seeing your garage sale teasures.

That black thing is Southern Living at got it for a great deal at $3.00!

Can't wait to see where your cabinet ends up and what you do with it!

Daisy Cottage said...

Love it all Rhodie! I agree with many above that the shelf would be fab in the bathroom... think of the fun you'd have styling it and how great it would function there! Always great fun to see what you find..hope you have a wonderful week!


Mary said...

Rhoda, I love the cabinet and I agree, it would be pefect for the bathroom.
I love the Wedgewood Platter, you do find the most amazing things!

Vanessa Greenway said...

Wow! You're one lucky woman! Sometimes I get to find some goodies at yard sales (around 12:00) wich is rare. You scored on those items! I think it would look lovely in the bathroom. Lots of storage for little things. Lovely! Have a good week! Vanessa

Rebekah said...

Here's an idea. Why don't you just send that sweet white cabinet on over to my house. It'd be PERFECT in my dining room with my great-grandmother's old dough cupboard, and it'll save you the trouble of having to move stuff around in your house. Everyone wins! ;)

Jenny said...

Beautiful finds! I think the cabinet would look cute in the bathroom against that pretty light blue wall. Plus, it looks like the accessories you have in there already would look nice on it.

I LOVE that bedroom set you found. That's a great price. I hope someone snatched it up!

I didn't go out this week, but may try to get to some garage sales on Wednesday.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Rhoda: Great finds! I vote for the bathroom for the cabinet, BUT I love those plates hangin in there now, so you gotta work those back in! Everything else is great too!

Lou Cinda :)

Richella Parham said...

You've just about convinced me to get up early on Saturday mornings! Wonderful finds.

I think your cabinet would be wonderful in the bathroom. But if it's big enough to hold dishes, it would also be great in the kitchen.

Your taste is impeccable, so I know it will look great wherever you put it. Enjoy it! And please show us where it ends up!

imjacobsmom said...

I'm voting for the bathroom. I think it would look real cute there. I think that I am going tp have to start going to yard sales. We just missed an all city sale last weekend in Little Canada. I guess there was 82 participants. Darn it! ~ Robyn

Mady and Jacks Mama said...

I vote to place the cabinet in the bathroom. I think it would look really cute in there. I like the way you have your dining room now and would hate for you to change it. I just think that out of the choices, the best place is the bathroom.

Helen Joy said...

I am in love with that platter and also the cabinet! Good job!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Love the cabinet! Sure wish the yardsales around here were like those in your part of the country.
Have a great week.

Cathy said...

I found a white cabinet today and was debating on getting it, it was a bathroom cabinet with fogged glass could be perfect over my toilet, welp I didn't get it and I regret it of course. But I do love yours! I say bathroom, can't wait to see what you do with it! :)

The Tattered Cottage said...

Rhoda -
I think the perfect spot for your wonderful cabinet would be in my house :) Right in my bedroom with all my other white & shabby pieces :). As always you have picked up fabulous finds!! I love the platter, it's so pretty! I vote for the cabinet to go into your bathroom or over your cupboard in the kitchen with the dishes shown displayed in it.

PatQ said...

I can't wait to see what you do with that buffet. I have a one very much like it that I'm itching to redo.

Embellished Bayou said...

Wow, you really got some great finds, I'm jealous! I struck out at the 3 estate sales I went to this weekend :(

m4layne said...


The Wedgewood is at They have many items in inventory.

Arlene said...

I love the chippy white cupboard! Also love the wedgewood platter. I was fortune enough to visit the Wedgewood factory in England with my hubby. I was sad to hear on the news several months ago that after 200 years Wedgewood is going out of business because of the current economics crisis. This makes me so sad. I'm sure these Wedgewood pieces will become more valuable because of it!!!!

Tami said...

Oh my gosh Rhoda what a wonderful find that cabinet is!! I love it!! Boy do I wish they had sales like that here in South Texas!!

Have a great week!

Chandy said...

Wow, that's an amazing haul, Rhoda! Great yard sale you stumbled in for sure!

Will be joining soon...

Carla said...

Cute, cute cabinet. I vote for putting it in the guest bathroom. I LOVE those blue dishes, btw.

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

What amazing finds Ms Rhoda! I especially LOVE that chippy cabinet. I think it would be adorable in the bathroom. But I also think it would be equally beautiful in the dining room. I think the contrast of the ultra shabby against the clean and classic would be gorgeous! And you are so good at mixing things up, I bet you could make it look just perfect. Let us know what you decide. Can't wait to see it up somewhere.


Sue said...

Big time kudos for the cabinet find!!! I gotta get down to your neck of the woods, cuz I never find sales like this in our neighborhoods! :-) Sue

abeachcottage said...

hey Rhoda!

that I am having to tell you has my name on it!!!

I'd love to come thrifting with you, I think you know that already..

thanks for hosting, I am at last today sitting down, about to get a drink and am on a big ole blog surf around at other peoples thrifty treasures, yeehaw

see ya


Sandy said...

hi rhoda - great finds! all of them! you def. scored!!!!

love ya!

Anonymous said...

I don't go to garage sales because all I've ever seen is junk. A question for those of you who do: would I be correct in assuming that the better stuff is found in more expensive neighborhoods? Or maybe, generally speaking, older neighborhoods where you might find life long residents?

Anonymous said...

Oooh, you found some great things. The cabinet reminds me of a hutch, so I think it would above the cupboard in your kitchen!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Wow, this post is getting busy! Thanks for all of you stopping by to see the treasures & to share yours.

Ann, I'm going to do a post about yardsaling very soon, but just a quick note on that. You really just never know where you'll find things. I go to all sorts of neighborhoods, nice & expensive ones, older, and newer garden homes with younger families. And I've scored at all of them. Sometimes the estate sales will have lots of older things because it's usually an older person who lived there & accumulated a lot of neat things. There are NO hard and fast rules with yardsales.

marmielu said...

Wow! Did you score a find on that cabinet. My vote would be for using it in the powder room.

I have a piece similar to the breakfront you pictured. I use it in the kitchen to balance the side of the room that has not cabinets. I found my at the Salvation Army.

Your finds make me want to move south! (Well, I kind of want to do that anyway.)

Mary Lou

Chris said...

Ooh, I love your finds! I especially love the white bedroom set! It would be perfect in my daughter's room. Sigh. :) My vote for the placement of the cabinet? The bathroom! I immediately thought, "Oooh, perfect!" before I even saw the other options!

morethanthestarsinthesky said...

Love all of your great finds at the yard sale! I think the cabinet would look best in the bathroom. I love that mirror over the buffet in the dining room. All of it looks great....don't change a thing!


Junk Girl said...

Hey! I wandered upon your blog yesterday and didn't get a chance to leave a comment as the oldest teenager needed to use the computer "right now"! LOL! So, I'm back! Love your blog and look forward to look at your older posts tonight! Happy blogging!! Andrea

JoLynn said...

Oh, I wish I lived close enough to buy that bedroom suit - I need it and love it!!!!

Heather Henderson said...

i vote bathroom, or maybe the laundry room?

TidyMom said...

WOW you found some GREAT things!! I need to hit some garage sales here soon - I'm getting tired of the thrift stores LOL


Anonymous said...

So in other words, there's work to yard/garage sales. Figures. :)

Enriched-Mom said...

Thanks for hosting such a fun linky party. This is my first time joining.

I like your cabinet too. Decisions, decisions where to put it. I think it would be great in the bathroom but can also envision it with dishes in your kitchen. Can't wait for pictures to see what you do.

Kristi said...

Rhoda, you never cease to get my blood pumping sharing in your exciting and beautiful and inexpensive finds! I feel like I'm right there with you. I think that cabinet would be PERFECT in the bathroom about the toilet.

Have you been to Homegoods lately? I know you love bunnies, but what do you think of birds? I found the sweetest birdie teapot in a color (creamy white) and style that I think you'd love. If you like birds that is. It was only $7. See my latest post:

Junk Girl said...

Hey again! Just so you know, one of us four Junk Fest girls will put your link in our next post!

By the way, where's the photo of you and your husband taken at by the beach? Is it Playa del Carmen, MX by any chance?! My husband and I LOVE it there!

Happy Junking...Andrea

Cassie said...

Rhoda, love your finds! This is my first time posting on your site...I'm Andrea's partner in crime (one of four!) Don't know why my link did not show up! Love your blog!!

Aubrey said...

I vote for putting the cabinet in the bathroom (and maybe still filling it with dishes). What a great find. I wish the yardsales here were as good as the ones in your town.

Caro said...

Oh man!! Rhoda you totally scored with that cabinet!! I am so incredibly jealous now!!

Patti VZ said...

Love the cabinet! I agree with the bathroom idea - the laundry room is also a great idea!

Kate said...

That cabinet just screams to be put in the bathroom! With some antique bottles and maybe (if it works in your bathroom) some pretty shells or candles.

L said...

Oh Pretty!!! I think it should go in the bathroom! So pretty!

Lots of great finds! I love garage / yard sales!

Farmgirl Paints said...

You have a gift really. I'm so jealous. I would love to find things like that. Good gracious!

Restoration House Interiors said...

Loved your find and I vote for the bathroom. At least, I think that was the bathroom? Anyhow, love sharing this...thanks for the opportunity, Rhoda! As always, you rock!

The Bloom Girls said...

Hi Rhoda,
Thank you for your comment on my loveseat. It is by far one of my favorite pieces, not only because I love the way it looks, but because it has a story.

The cabinet is darling and exactly what I am looking for to go over a toilet in a guest I vote for the guest bath! I also love the Wedgewood plate and what a steal.

Let me know if you ever come up to the Nashville flea market. It's pretty cool and I'd love to go scouting with you and learn some of your secrets.

You rock!!!

Joel and Chelsey said...

I love that shelf for your bathroom. This is my first time commenting, but I visit your blog often! I am already planning to copy your laundry room (and maybe your dining room...) in my new house--hope you don't mind! lol :)

Also, if you ever decide to sell that bedroom furniture you just found--the beautiful white dresser and bed. Please call me. I'm drooling on my keyboard right now!

Unknown said...

Wow. Girl, you found some great stuff. I haven't been so lucky yet this year, but I'm inspired to keep trying! I vote for the cabinet in the bathroom!

Kathleen said...

Great finds!!! And that platter is just beautiful..what a great price..
Can't wait to see what you decide for the cabinet..

sara@augustfields said...

Rhoda...What a darling cabinet! I think it would look adorable in the bathroom with jars of bath salts, rolled up towels, chunky soaps.....what a fun weekend you had! :) Thanks for hosting Thrifty Treasures...its so fun!

Caroline said...

Hi Rhoda..I love that little cabinet you got. I have a similar one that is still sitting in my office because I can't decide where to put it. That hutch would look awesome painted. I always keep an eye out for something like that. I hope I linked up properly, not quite sure if I did it properly.

Kelee Katillac said...

Neat shabby cabinet Rho!

Every Day Blessings said...

Rhoda, thanks for fixing my problem. I am new to blogging so I don't know a lot about this permalink ie. , from what you are saying and as I read it I just put my heading to my post for url rather than my actual blog address?

Kate Riley said...

Do NOT touch that dining room, it looks perfect. I would definitely hang it in the bath - it would be perfect there ! Love those other two finds as well. You have a good eye !

:-) Kate

Unknown said...

Rhoda, I am so sorry that I forgot to link back to your blog the other day. My brain is not what it used to be--not that it was all that great to start with! I'm remedied the faux pax! (Hope I spelled that right.)

Cherri Engle said...

I like the cabinet in the downstairs guest bathroom. I think it would look absolutely fantastic there. (along with your 'special' little touches) I enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Lady Katherine said...

I just love the shelf! Can't wait see where you put it! Love the iron candle holder! What great buys!

Unknown said...

Terrific finds. I love the shelf.

Anonymous said...

That bedroom set is fabulous!

What a lovely blog!