(click to enlarge collage)
I just love getting outside this time of year....here's another neat garden here in Birmingham, Aldridge Botanical Gardens, that I visited this week. It was owned for years by the Aldridge family & they decided to give it to the City of Hoover for a public gardens. It's a really neat place to visit (this was my 2nd visit) and it's not even close to being in full bloom yet. They are known for starting a hydrangea called Snowflake that was discovered in the area many years ago & then patented by Aldridge. It looks very similar to the oakleaf hydrangea, but the blooms are a little different.
Check out the big bunny & the tortoise pulling the hare statues...I love those!
Here's their website, if you want to take a look: Aldridge Botanical Gardens

On another note, I was tagged by Tonja and Sandy with the Thinking Blogger Award! Who, ME??? I'm honored that both these ladies like my blog enough to give me this award. Not so sure about the thinking part....you'll find me doing more than thinking, LOL! So, I'm going to pass this award on to 5 other deserving friends. I'm still new to blogging, so I'm just going to tag others who have inspired me to think & be inspired! I'm just amazed at all the comraderie there is with bloggers...I had no idea until I joined the throngs. I've so much enjoyed getting to know all of you who stop by & visit me. We get a little glimpse into each other's lives & if we can all share a ray of sunshine along the way, then we're all the better for it. Life is hard & sharing it with special friends makes the journey so much better!
Original Post: Thinking Blogger Award
!. Southern Heart - my friend, Andrea, who is a new blogger too...I've so enjoyed getting to know her & her sweet spirit.
2. Gracious Hospitality - we both have hospitality in common & LaDonna always has inspiring pictures & posts.
3. Back Porch Musings - how can you not like Pat's blog, all the pretty pics & stories of her MO home.
4. Rabbit Run Cottage - Suzie Q is a fun lady & I've enjoyed her posts too...and she loves bunnies!
5. Country Charm - Betty is such a sweet, inspirational pastor's wife (& I'm a pastor's daughter) & I've enjoyed getting to know her too.
Congrats, ladies...please read the link to the blogger award site & you'll see that you may pass this on to 5 others who make you think & inspire you! It's been such a pleasure to get to know all you ladies out there in blogland.

9 friends stopped by:
Yes that bunny and turtle are a scream and all the flowers are delightful. Hydrangeas are some of my vary favorites so thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your confidence in me by nominating me for a Blogger Thinking award.
I certainly will participate. I have guests coming shortly and Easter weekend but then I will respond.
That's so funny, a turtle pulling a bunny! Looks like a pretty place.
That seond green is called Kiwi, they're all Benjamin Moore paints. I'm going to go with that one. I hope to have that window wall painted by Easter. Thanks for your input!
I love the hydrangeas at Aldridges, do you have any?
Check out my blog on Fannie Flagg and the Birmingham News!
Have a great and blessed
Thank you so much, Rhoda, for nominating my blog for the Blogger Thinking award. I appreciate it so much and am thankful that you enjoy reading my posts enough to nominate me.
God bless you with a happy day!
Loved the images you posted! Good thing that Canada goose is in your Birmingham garden because here we recieved an overnight *snowfall* and it's freezing cold..-2C brrrr..my rabbits are freezzzzzzing! I love visiting your blog also ~Ms. Thinker~
Have a blessed Happy Easter.hugs NG
Now I am off to visit your friends..
Rhoda, those photos are breathtaking! What a charming place...I must visit there sometime. You look so pretty, too...I'm glad that you had a lovely day.
Thank you so much for my Thinking Blogger award...you made my day, and I happily passed it on (what a fun, uplifting idea!). I also appreciated your sweet message you left...I treasure our friendship, and am glad that you're in my life.
Happy Easter,
Thank you dear Rhoda, for nominating my blog. I do so appreciate this.
I will surely pass it on next week...with Easter, things are so busy so I am only posting little things, if I post at all. : ) I want to do right by you when I do post this award and pass it on.
I hope your weekend is a blessed one...thank you for sharing these lovely photos you found.
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