3 plates that I found at Homegoods for I think, $3 each. I loved the patterns in these & got 5 of them when they were on the clearance rack. There's another yardsale fixture I recently picked up for 50 cents & painted it with my Sophisticated Finishes in Blonde Bronze. It was originally a white stone finish, so painting over it was a snap. Paint color, in case anyone would like to know, is
. It's a nice mellow golden yellow, without screaming yellow & works well with all my fabrics.
On top of my antique French armoire is more blue & white. I got these pieces at all different places, I think Ross, TJ Maxx, & the wine cooler was a yardsale find.

Here's the blue/white platter I picked up a few weeks ago yardsaling for $1.50. It's hanging above the door going out of the room.

More blue & white on top of the entertainment center.

Center plate was a yardsale find & the other 2 came from the Homegoods trip.

Just a new shot of the pillows on the bed. I think a lot of you have seen our bedroom already & if you want to see more of it, you can click on my photo album link on the left sidebar.

Here's the master bath, above the tub area. Got this wall shelf at a yardsale for $5.00 years ago & it was fun accessorizing it with things I already had. That little watercolor on top was a recent yardsale find. It's an original & I love how it looks on this shelf.

We picked up this large print in San Francisco when we were there almost 2 years ago & the one above was a yardsale find for $1.00 of another SF print. I had the frame already & it's a good complement to the first one.

Closeup of San Francisco print. We loved visiting there.

It seemed natural to put some seashells & beachy things in here with the blue walls, so that's what I did. I found these shell prints on clearance at TJ Maxx.

And, a set of shell prints that I found at Kirklands dress up the water closet. There's another one opposite this one. I saw these prints in the Ballards catalog for mega-bucks...same artist. I paid $10 each for these at Kirklands.
Just thought I'd give you all a little blue & white inspiration! It's such a classic & timeless color scheme & will always be popular, I think. I don't have any expensive antique blue & white pieces, but it's nice that there are affordable things out there too to add to collections.
On another note, Manuela, from The Feathered Nest, nominated me for the Schmooze Award. I already won it (from sweet Suzie Q at Rabbit Run Cottage) , but thought I thank those who passed it my way! Here's the description & I hope I live up to this. I try to anyway. 
"The Power of Schmooze Award is for bloggers who effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship."
I really have enjoyed blogging these last few months & don't take for granted the many friendships I've made along the way. It's really going to be harder since I've gone back to work, for me to stay in touch with all of you & visit your blogs regularly, but I'm going to try to keep up on the weekends at least. My blogroll just keeps growing & there's no way I can keep up with all of them all the time! So, I hope you all understand that. Keeping up with my own blog is going to be a challenge, I think.
So, thank you all again for stopping by & visiting with me. I truly treasure each & every friend I've made! We all have limited time, so I'm honored you choose to spend some of it with me.
37 friends stopped by:
Oh hey I'm the first one here :)
Everything looks beautiful! I love the beachy items and how you took in your husbands love of that color.
You decorate everything beautifully!
Not a big fan of blue myself but I also have a few pieces of blue and white.
Thank you for thinking I was a young chick instead of an old biddy...:) :) :)
(( ))
I love all your blue and white. The addition of the smaller SF print is icing on the cake.
Great post!
Oh my ....Im a lover of thr cobalt blue and white. Your post makes my feet wanna run to shop hehe. Don't know where id put it. I have collected so much I have to take some down and replace it alittle at a time. It is fun though I feel like ive always got something new. Most of mine is in the kitchen.I love all your work! Id die for those plates.You are awsome.
I just LOVE all the blue and white! Your home is beautiful!!! (I love that pillow on your bed!)
I don't usually decorate with true blue and white colors, though I love the fresh clean look of it!
All your things are lovely.
I love all your blue and white! I had no idea you had that much blue and white in your home! I really love that pillow!
I think blue & white pottery and plates are just so classic and go with just about everything! Your stuff looks beautiful!
I have blue & white lamps in my bedroom and there is not a stitch of blue and white anywhere else in the room. But I think they are so pretty and look special that way!
Thanks for sharing all your lovelies!
I think it's so sweet that you used blue because your hubby likes that color! Your bedroom & bath are just beautiful. I love that you use easily found pieces from stores that everyone has access to (you really should write a book)!
P.S. Thanks for the yellow suggestions. I picked up the Blonde today and will get the other tomorrow.
I love your little blue tour today.
I am not a big fan of blue, but I like it in certain places. I am really starting to like that robin's egg blue color.
You are a great decorator, no matter what color you are using.
The blue looks amazing with the golden/yellow color as a background. I collect Royal Copenhage figurines which are almost all blue and white.
Oh, I love all of your blue & white!
I love your blue and white things and can't believe you find such great items at yard sales!
You have done a beautiful job with your blue and white collection Rhoda! I love how your home is filled with interest and surprises as you go from room to room...
I LOVE blue, but was never a fan of blue and white -- too stiff for my really casual countenance... but you've made it look elegant and calming and casual and lovely all at once. It's like you wave a magical wand and everything you touch is just so. Ahhhhhh.
Love the blue. I never have used it to decorate but it looks so good as accents in your home. I think I'll have to start putting a little blue here and there.
Your arrangements are so nice. Good to be back, I've been unplugged for some time. I love blue and white.
I love blue and white/cream. I use it in my living room with brown and gold. And... I have those same plates from Homegoods!
I love,love,love all the touches of blue and white thruout your home.... Very stunning as usual :o)
Rhoda, you've done such a good job spreading your blue around. Sometimes it can seem too much in a room but I like how you've used it in your home. I'm sure your husband appreciates it too.
Fantastic bed and bath! I love the calming effect the blue gives. I'm sure you all slumber peacefully.
Congrats on your award! You are one fabulous lady. I always enjoy stopping by for a little bit of decorating inspiration.
Dumb question-all this is foreign to me, but I love the way it looks. How do you get the plates to hang on the wall???
You are SO talented and it looks absolutely beautiful!!!!!
Your blues and whites are beautiful :)
love all those bargains right there in your bathroom. I really do enjoy when you tell us where and how much.
My master bedroom needs some decor attention.
Hey Rhoda! Love the splashes of blue through out your home. I'm also trying to add a little blue into my decor. My mom is in Poland (right now)visiting family and I asked her to bring me back some blue plates. I can't wait to see them! I love the color in your bathroom. You know our master bath is the only room I haven't decorated. I'm clueless to what I want to do. Thanks for the eye candy. Hope you are having a super week!! Hugs, nicole
I love blue and white. Mine is in the dining room and the laundry room... (I know, I know) with some in a bathroom. Love your shells and sea pictures.~ann
thanks for all the inspiration. Blue is my hubby's favorite color and he wants me to do our office and attached bathroom in blues and tans.
I'm going to come back to this post often for inspiration I think!
Interesting... I appreciate blue but I never buy it for my home? Loved the monogrammed bedroom pillow.
I think I get to Homegoods and TjMaxx just after you've been there...You find the greatest things!
I hope you are enjoying work... it does make you appreciate the weekends more =D
You have so many beautiful blue and white things. You're right... They are classic, timeless and simply gorgeous. Thanks for sharing bits and pieces of your lovely home. It provides so much inspiration.
Your home is just so beautiful. Now, you know that I LOVE anything and everything blue and white! : )
Love all your treasures....
I adore the pillows on your bed! You can never have enough pillows!
I like how you took the blue that your husband loves and made a nice place that you both can enjoy.
Rhoda, your home is always so beautifully decorated...thanks for allowing us to look around...it's definitely a treat!
Everything you do looks sooo GOOD!
I aspire...
*sigh* I never get tired of looking at your pictures! I absolutely love the blue/white/beach theme you have going.
Love all the blue and white. That pillow on your bed is gorgeous!!
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