I am always looking for chicken recipes & I came across this one in our local Publix ad. If you don't have Publix supermarkets in your town, I'm so sorry. They are truly a wonderful grocery store & are my very favorite place to shop for groceries. I also shop at Walmart for some things, to save money of course, but overall for quality & service, Publix can't be beat. This is three boneless chicken breasts, cut into chunks.
Main ingredients are sun-dried tomatoes & artichoke hearts, how can you beat that combo?!
Chicken & other ingredients simmering in the pan.
I served this with baked sweet potatoes & a side spinach salad. Pretty healthy & tasty, don't you think? Hubby loved this one, so it will stay on the list.
Sun-Dried Tomato Artichoke Chicken
1 1/2 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breast (I used 3)
1/4 cup flour (I decided to substitute Italian bread crumbs for the flour)
2 TBL Canola oil
1/2 cup white wine
Fresh thyme (I used dried & added it with all the other ingredients simmering)
1 lemon for juice (I used Real Lemon)
1 large can artichoke hearts (drained)
1/3 cup julienne-cut sun-dried tomatoes in oil (or if they are just dry, soak them for a few min)
2 TBL butter (I forgot to add the butter, it was still yummy)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
2 TBL Parmesean cheese
Preheat large saute pan on med-high 2-3 minutes. Cut chicken into 1 inch chunks, place in zip-loc bag (or used a large dish). Add flour (or bread crumbs) and coat chicken. Place oil in pan, swirl to coat. Add chicken & cook 2-3 min. turning once, until chicken begins to brown.
Stire in wine, reduce heat to med-low & cook 2-3 min. or until liquid is slightly reduced. Squeeze juice from lemon over chicken, stir in remaining ingredients (except thyme & cheese). Cover and cook 2-3 min. until done. Remove chicken from heat, stir in fresh thyme & sprinkle with parmesean.
You can see I made a couple of changes, but overall followed the recipe. It was really tasty!
Eat & Enjoy!
It appears from the organizing post that y'all are about as pathetic as I am about going through your magazines and either giving them away or throwing them out. It must be a shared sickness for decorating people or something. From the comments, I can see that this is a subject that is on many of your minds these days and that the magazines in particular are pretty difficult to keep a handle on. I do not want to become like my hubby's 89-year old grandma, who lives with his mother. Their house is crammed to the gills with all of grandma's stuff. She won't get rid of anything! It's going to be a BIG job when she is finally gone and the rest of us have to go through her things. That in itself is reason enough for me not to want to end up being a "hoarder" as some of you mentioned. My dad is a pretty good hoarder of old stuff himself, much to my mom's dismay.
You have given me some great ideas on getting the recipes organized, so my plan is to get a binder of some sort with plastic sleeves to slip recipes into. That's something I can do very soon and once it gets started, it should be pretty easy to keep updated on a regular basis. Thanks so much for all the suggestions. I really appreciate all the ideas. I'll keep working on the magazine-aholic problem. Right now, I'm thinking I'll donate the old ones!
Kay asked me a question about the lampshade fabric and there's no way to contact you, Kay. So, the question was, can you use the black/cream color with any other color scheme. And my answer is YES! I absolutely think this fabric would work with many colors. Black/cream/tan are so neutral that I can see them mixed with so many other colors. I use a lot of black as accents in my home, so that is one thing to think about. If you have all pastels or very light colors, then one shot of black/cream might be too much, but for most colors, I'd say go for it! And if you don't already use black accents, think about adding them. Black really grounds a room and adds a lot of interest. Think: picture frames, chandeliers, lamps, pillow fabrics, and even a piece of black furniture mixed in is great.

25 friends stopped by:
YUMMM-O!!! (Aagh! I can't stop quoting a certain celebrity chef that I'm really not fond of but is everywhere and who has seeped into my brain until I hear her voice whenever I'm cooking and I want to scream "BE QUIET!!". But I digress.)
THAT, Rhoda, will be our dinner tonight. It looks DELISH with the EVOO! (Aaaaaggh!)
Artichokes and Sun Dried Tomatoes are my favorite! I will be be trying this out soon. Thanks for the recipe and your recipe organization idea. (Can you come and help me......)
I have the same magazine problem!~!!!! That dish looks great. I'll have to try it...Jen R
Yummy! Easy and good...works for me.
The chicken looks delicious! On the menu here for this evening--chicken potpie. If I wouldn't have had everything put together before I read your post today, we would have had your recipe! Next time...yum.
Looks delicious and we love healthy around here! Funny you should mention the magazine problem again. I just sat down with a stack while I soaked my feet. *Hubby went to his parents' with the kids. I didn't get through many, but I was there quite a while. Sigh... someday?
Hi Rhoda!
I'm Rhonda and after visiting you daily for some time now, I'm delurking. I, too, dissect magazines and file articles of interest under the labels 'travel', 'gardening',
'decorating', etc. and from time to time I have to purge them to remove the things that are no longer appealing! As far as recipes go, I clip them and put them in a plastic sleeve (make a photo copy if they are clipped from a newspaper as they will discolor over time)and place them in a binder. However,I do not sub divide them into categories just yet. After dating them I place them all in the front of the binder and when I use one that is a hit I then file it in the appropriate category. Any recipe that is still in the front after a year is tossed, as chances are slim that I'll try it. This method works well for me and certainly keeps from piling up!
As I write this, I have a pork roast in the crock pot. I used a packet of marinade seasoning and a little water, just as you directed. IT SMELLS WONDERFUL! In another hour, we will be having it for supper!
My magazine addiction is bad. Over a year ago, I cut myself off. With the exception of two quilting magazines that I love. Today, I went to get my son some medicine and wandered past the magazine rack. Oh, the new spring decorating magazines were out. I bought three! I spent the afternoon on the sofa looking through them. Oblivious to three boys running around the house screaming. Oh, how I love magazines...
I can't wait to try the chicken receipe. Hubby and I are trying to eat nothing but fish and chicken (I'm not supposed to eat red meat) and I will certainly try this receipe in the near future.
The chicken recipe sounds delicious...yum,yum....
I'm trying to be better organized in 2008....I'm working in the laundry room...
Yes, indeed, we are all so blessed...Thanks for the visit...Betty
The chicken sounds so yummy...Mary
Hi girlie,
I will DEFINITELY being making this!
You need a food blog too!
Good Morning Rhoda,
This sounds great!!
I have a question...I bought McCormicks Beef Stew seasoning...thought I would try a stew in the crockpot this week..would you mind giving me some tips...
Kathy :)
Hi Rhoda,
It looks like another great Rhoda recipe. I will have to try it.
My husband loves sundried tomatoes.
Have a great day!!
I'm looking for ideas about my hutch and I was wonderding what your thoughts are about it. I have it posted on my blog. I'm thinking paint, but not sure what color would look good.
OM Gosh - that looks so amazing!!! Pass me a plate!
Now that is a dish I can wrap my mouth around. I didn't know anyone else loved Artichokes like I do...I get it from my Granny Merriman! Oh, and the giveaway...so sorry you didn't enter, you would love it...it's a garden flag...Red Hat Club garden flag...to see the picture of it go back about 6 or 7 posts...I think, lol...I'm going to do this again at 500 posts...only 200 to go...
Hi Rhoda - I can really tell you are enjoying being home again! The recipe sounds delic, too!
Hey Rhoda: I've tagged you to tell How I Met My Husband. Sandi at Fabulous Fluff Stuff tagged me so you can check out her blog or mine to see what we did. I think it is a neat idea for us "girls" to share how we met our "man"!
I'm catching up with posts so...
Loved your new chandelier, amazed at your beautiful lamp transformation, and drooling over your chicken with sun-dried tomatoes and artichokes!
I had such fun reading all these posts -- like browsing through my favorite magazine!
BTW, I actually bought a small trunk to hold all the magazines I can't bear to throw out! So I'm not really any help there...LOL
This sounds wonderful. I will definately put it on our family's menu next week!
Great recipe idea- I've got to try it. The last time I was at Costco, I had both a BIG jar of sun dried tomatoes and artichoke hearts in my cart, but took the artichokes out because I really didn't know what I was going to do with them- they just LOOKED so good. Now I'm back to Costco for the artichokes (and some chicken!)
We ate the chicken dish for dinner tonight and really enjoyed it! My brother stopped by and ate with us and took the recipe with him! Thanks for sharing! Kym
I will definitely be making this thanks for the recipe!
THank you for the inspiration! I made a slight variation of this tonight (breaded the chicken and put it over angel hair pasta). My husband had cleaned his plate before I had a chance to eat 1/3 of mine!
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