Friday, June 13, 2008

My Garden Party

Welcome to my garden tour! I'm joining The Preacher's Wife for a garden party today, so be sure and go by and check out more beautiful gardens from her links. Come along and see what's blooming in my yard or has been blooming recently. Wouldn't it be nice if these blooms stayed around for much longer? I wish!
Hibiscus is just peeking their heads out to the sun. These are such huge blooms.
The Endless Summer hydrangeas that you'll see below were so pretty, I had to bring some in to put in a vase to enjoy.
So pretty! Dayliles blooming in my garden...

The Endless Summer hydrangea that I planted 2 years ago is just huge now. This started as a little quart size plant and the blooms are just wonderful. It's supposed to bloom all summer like this. Mine started out pink, but with our soil has turned the most gorgeous shade of blue. We love blue so wouldn't think of trying to change it back. Such delicate color
Ahhh, beauty at its best!
Fills this whole corner bed going in the backyard gate, underplanted with hostas & pink impatience.
Wave petunias are growing like crazy in this basket.
Brilliant magenta clematis on the mailbox.
This is a Spirea (can't find my card with the actual name) and I just love the soft pink blooms and the lime green leaves. Spireas have done very well for me and I will be planting more of these.
The knockout roses were in fine form this year and have bloomed prolifically so far.
Little bunny tucked amoung the shrubs. This little green shrub is a Wheeler's Dwarf Japanese Mock Orange and they've done well for me too.
Blue Scabiosa pincushion perennials are busting out too.
A newly found rusty butterfly that came from a yardsale for $2 now flies in my backyard.
Planted these hollyhocks last year and this year they are rewarding me with some really amazing blooms. First time I've tried these. They were planted from seed.
Deep pink
Rosier pink
This is the spirea again. These are some new dianthus that I just planted this year and they are blooming like crazy now. Close-up of the blue pincushion Scabiosa. And that brings me back to the teak furniture I bought at the recent yardsale. Remember how it looked when I brought it home?
Spending some time with a pressure washer has really improved the looks a lot. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than it was. I'll be adding some teak oil or something like that to help preserve the color and keep it looking better. I really don't hate the gray color, that just looks beachy to me, but I'll try to keep it looking good. I think the blotchiness on the table top was from the previous owner adding poly that didn't all come off.
I'm still very happy with this yardsale find at $20, can't beat it! I've been a busy girl sewing (yes, me sewing!) some cushions for my chairs and swing and I'll be showing the whole patio next week in all its beautiful glory. We sure are loving it out here!
And, for those of you who were concerned about the drainspout under the deck....I found this concrete rain catcher for $2.50 at a home store that should keep it all under control. We've had a few rains since I put it in and no problem with the pea gravel at all. I also scrubbed down the brick & got most of the clay stains off using a bottle of bleach water and scrub-brush. I think those bricks at the bottom are actually red in color and not completely stained from clay.

Do you love to garden too? The thing I hate the most is weeding. If I had someone who would do that for me, I'd be a happy girl. How do you get rid of weeds in your flower beds? I have one perennial bed that I hoed up all the grass in to get started and now the grass is back with a vengeance. I'm hoping I can spray it down with some weed killer and try to get rid of some of it.
Happy Blooms to you!

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53 friends stopped by:

PAT said...

Looks great Rhoda! Our Endless Summers are just beginning to bloom. I posted a photo on my photo blog today. They didn't bloom at all, last year, after being knocked back, with a very late frost! They're coming back fairly strong, though.

I like how the teak table and chairs turned out and your solution for the downspout is excellent.

Have a great weekend!

Mandie said...

Your flowers are beautiful! Our hydrangeas are not fully open but they are so pretty and pink. I love your blue. We get rid of weeds by pulling them. The weeds are tucked in among other flowers or veggies so we can't spray them
:(. They sure are naghty aren't they:!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me the private tour of your garden. If I could only smell those sweet flowers my day would be complete! Hope my hydrangas look that great in just two years. Susie H

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Can you hear the applause???That was amazing. I am not sure there is a flower as lovely as an hydrangea. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden!

Jen said...

Everything looks GREAT!

I have several garden pictures on my blog - I will probably take some more and join in on the party - :) If you get any pointers on how to preven the grass and weeds growing in the flower beds, let me know. I am like you - if I had someone to weed for me, I'd be happy! :) Enjoyed the garden party!
Come by and visit.

Adrienne said...

Your garden is beautiful. I need to find an Endless Summer Hydrangea. It's gorgeous. I have a very old Hydrangea that was here for years before we moved in but it's around the corner of the house where it's not seen by anyone. Or, maybe I should make a secret garden over there so I can enjoy it more. Thanks for sharing your wonderful yard with us. It would be fun to sit on your deck and share tea together are we visit and enjoy the beauty. ~Adrienne~

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Rhoda! We have an area where we are having to cut down an out-of-control tree and I am going to make a bed there. I think I will look at the Endless Summer. I also want to check out the dwarf japanese mock orange (have not seen those).

Your patio is looking great - can't wait to see your pics next week.

I also love to garden, but hate weeding and mulching (I think it's all the SQUATTING LOL). I use round-up to keep the weeds under control.


Anonymous said...

What a treat it was to tour your beautiful garden! I was blown away by those hydrangeas! The other photo shots were just luscious. I was certainly pleased to see the sweet bunny---I am a stone bunny lover, too. Your furniture is looking great---what a find.

Dolly said...

OH! Your yard is fabulous!! Everything just looks scrumptious! Aren't you loving these afternoon showers we've been having?
And your garage sale finds are amazing. Can you take me with you next time? Please??

Thanks for visiting me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rho,
I loved this tour, I think Hollyhocks bloom bi-annual, I used to have some, mine were white, yours are lovely.

Have a great week-end,
Kathy ;)

Frantic Home Cook said...


I dream of blue hydrangeas, my fave flower. I planted a couple of those Endless Summers a few years ago, but I must say, yours are looking much better.


Deserae said...

Your garden is gorgoues...simply divine! I can't wait to see what you have been working on for your patio :o) I use Preen in my flower bed but I'm not sure that will work on pesky grass?!?!?
Have a great weekend!

Tanya said...

I'm so jealous of the gorgeous blue hydrangeas. They are my absolute favorite, but they don't flourish here like they do there. Beautiful, beautiful garden pictures!

Unknown said...

Wow, what beautiful flowers! Your garden looks so inviting. Thanks for the tour!

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are blooming so pretty! I love the patio furniture as well. What a nice little area you've made there! I can't wait to see the cushions you are sewing!

I've got my garden party posted, too! You'll have to stop by for a tour and a cocktail! :-)

Alicia said...

your garden is amazing I would just love to spend an afternoon in it!

Joanna said...

Love the flowers! My favorite is the Hibiscus. I had a couple of them in our backyard already and this year I went out and bought 5 more! I wished my Hydrangeas looked that good. They just aren't blooming this year. Ours are blue as well and they are usually beautiful this time of year, but not this summer! : (

Oh well maybe next! Thanks for sharing your garden! ~Joanna

Sheryl said...

Your garden is very pretty! I think I need to go to garage sales with you though.


Anonymous said...

Your blooms are all glorious. I especially love hollyhocks.

And, your table set looks great. I can't wait to see everything when you finish.

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

I just can't quit gasping over all the gorgeous gardens you girls have grown! I LOVE your containers.

And can I just say that we don't have yardsales like yours around here? It's so fun looking at all your great finds..:)

Thanks for playing along, I enjoyed it so much!

Katie said...

Your garden looks wonderful! Thanks for inviting us to your garden party! :o) I cannot believe your Endless Summer hydrangea. Mine is 4 years old now and still the same size...with no blooms! :o( I am moving her in the fall. All the other hydrangeas in my yard are doing so well. I have such a hard time giving up on plants...esp. roses and hydrangeas!

CIELO said...

Lovely lovely garden... I'm celebrating another party on the first day of summer, June 21st, we would love to see your garden there... come see


Wanita said...

Your garden is beautiful! To keep weeds at bay, I put down several layers of newspaper. I don't use glossy ads and I make it wet first so it stays put. Then I put mulch over top of it. The newspaper will decompose over time. Here is a link where you can read more about "lasagna gardening" using newspapers Hope it's helpful.

Linda said...

Just gorgeous...especially your hydrangeas!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Hi Rhoda,

Your flowers look so pretty! Thank goodness for all that rain we got this spring! My hydrangeas are doing really well this year too (although they're drooping today - we need some rain).

The teak table and chairs look wonderful and what a deal!

I'm off to see what else you've been up to.



Sandi McBride said...

I love the Garden Party and can hear Ricky Nelson singing about it in my head while I'm looking at the wonderful photo's! Thanks for the tour! I've been in the gardens watering for three days so have been mia for a couple of days...playing catch up!

Jackie said...

Absolutely breathtaking! The hydrangeas are a personal favorite of mine...yours are gorgeous. Love the little glimpses of your house, have excellent taste! :)

joyh82 said...

What a beautiful garden you have a pretty colors. Great variety too.
The power washer did a great job on your furniture too!

Anonymous said...

I am so loving your beautiful garden.

I've just now gotten into gardening and what a time... it's 100 degrees here. I hope everything makes it and looks half as pretty as yours:)

Thanks for the lovely stroll!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Gorgeous! I am going to post mine tonight, so be sure and stop by my "garden party" later....

Picket said...

Oh My Word!!! I loved the tour!!! lol I sat here with my mouth wide open and getting wider with each pic!! lol I love knockout roses and have over twenty in the back yard...ohhh those Hollyhocks remind me of my childhood and a sweet neighbor that grew them every year...Such a great ppost girl!!! Hope you are having a great day and that you have a wonderful Father's Day weekend!

Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

I have many of those same flowers, but I'm in Georgia so I guess we're the same zone! My favorite is that bargain butterfly! LOVE it!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

My garden gate is open, Rhoda, come on over.....

Christy said...

What beautiful photographs!! Everything looks so wonderful. The table and chairs were a great deal and are really looking good.

Michelle said...

Rhoda, your garden is lovely! The teak furniture cleaned up beautifully. I can't wait to see the *finished* product with the cushions. :)

For two days straight I've been painting furniture. I can't thank you enough for sharing about the liquid sandpaper! Wow! What a difference that one product has made. What a blessing!

Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

Just saw your nice comment on my blog. Wow, another Marietta girl! I’ll be going to Deeper Still, too, and I’m SO looking forward to it!

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Your garden is beautiful! Love the hollyhocks.

Kimberly :)

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are just beautiful and as always so inspiring. I have been looking through your past posts that deal with gardening and landscaping looking for more inspiration to help in our new but pitiful yard. Your home and gardens always look amazing. Thank you for the beautiful tour!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful garden with amazing blooms. I want some of those knock out roses.
I love the rabbit too. Great pics,I am more calm and relaxed after your

Garden Blessings, Jeanne

Donna Kay said...

Your flowers are incredible!!! I am in awe!!!
Hydrangeas are just my very favorite flower - they remind me so much of my grandmother - she always had a yard full - I wish I would have inherited her green thumb!!!!
The table & chairs are looking very good!!!!

Anonymous said...

Everything is beautiful, especially the hydrangeas. Wonderful, colorful photos.

Anonymous said...

My hydrangeas want to grow up to be like yours! lol. Your flowers are beautiful! And you've given me hope that my hydrangeas will expand this year and be nice, big plants next year.

And your steal of a deal teak table/chairs has me drooling! I can't believe you found them for that price! I like the more rustic look too. Just adds character.

Fantastic job!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

What a lovely garden! Everything looks so pretty!

Not a chance I will join in with that party, my weed garden would scare everyone away. :-)

Thanks for the pretty glimpses into your yard!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, those hydrangeas are breathtaking and what a beautiful bouquet they made in that white vase.


Sandy said...

Your garden is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing this riot of color as it is gray and raining her today.

Jenny said...

Your flowers are all so beautiful. I love your blue hydrangeas. Mine are pink. I really wanted them blue but our soil just really wants them pink :) I've tried amending the soil but they just want to be pink. But I still love them.

B. said...

Beautiful garden- I love love LOVE those Hydragania! I just planted some and they are tiny- I have hope they can be as beautiful...

Cathy said...

So envious of your gorgeous hydrangea in full bloom. Only 1 of my 3 are blooiming and it only has 2 blooms.

The table and chairs look great!


Nikki said...

Absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for sharing.

Glenda said...


I really enjoy coming to your blog. You have such wonderful inspirations each time. I love all the photo's you posted this time.


Meredith said...

Incredible flowers--incredible buy on the garden set!

You always amaze me.

Charm and Grace said...

Your garden photos are scrumptious! Your yard must be lovely. Aren't you glad we're not in the shape we were this time last year with drought conditions? I certainly am... and my garden pretties are too.

Happy weekend,

Deb said...

Hi Rhoda....your flowers are beautiful. My hibiscus has buds but they aren't opening yet....I'm in Arkansas so we are a few weeks behind you though. Thanks for sharing your garden with us!

Enjoy your day!