Out for a date night recently, my hubby and I went to a new place that we haven't been to before, Rucker Place, for Jazz on the Porch. It's in a beautiful historical home that was built in 1900.
Of course, I loved taking pics of it and enjoying the ambience of it all. It has 2 huge porches stacked on top of each other that wrap all around the house in the back and they have jazz there once a month.
I loved this big bay window with the shingles on the outside. So pretty! They also do weddings and receptions, as well as lots of other events here at the house.
Peter and I enjoyed our evening.
Wouldn't you love a porch this big?
Backside of the house.
I loved this door and the brick.
You can see the two tiered porches here.
Shingles on the house were very unique. Birmingham has some beautiful architecture.
I ordered a BLT wrap and it was very good. It was served with a little bonus of boiled peanuts. You haven't lived til you've had boiled peanuts. Not sure, but this just might be a Southern delicacy. Anyone else have boiled peanuts from other parts of the country? I grew up eating these and my mom still makes up batches of them at home. YUM!
Normally, they have the jazz group out here under the pergola, but because of threatening rain, they had to move them inside for this night. Unfortunately, we didn't know to call and make reservations for inside and couldn't hear the music out on the porch where we were sitting, but it was still a fun atmosphere.
They put tables and chairs out here on the lawn and those seats are reserved (first come, first served) and then anyone else can make themselves comfortable up on the porches.
My meeting with my new client went very well and I've already been shopping for her yesterday. It's going to be a fun little redo and she will allow me to share pics, so YAY for that. She will need a few accessories, rug, pictures, lamp, etc. so this will be very fun. I'm going out Tuesday to install it all and of course, I'll share with all of you.
Also the Birmingham Newspaper came out on Thursday to photograph our patio project for the paper. It will be running in the next 2 weeks, so I'll be sure to give you all a follow-up on that. They will also be printing my website link and I hope to get some new business from it. After a lengthy discusion with the reporter covering this redo, she found out all about my yardsale obsession and asked me if I'd like to do an article featuring yardsale tips and before and after projects. Would I?! That's a definite yes! She's coming back out next week to do that article. Y'all have a great weekend.

36 friends stopped by:
Wow Rhoda what a wonderful place, too bad you didn't make reservations, but I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway. What a beautiful historic home. And I'm so happy you are doing well and will be in the paper, ha - good for you! Can't wait to read it!
That's awesome that you are getting publicity from the newspaper and have been asked to write an article! Can't wait to see the pics from your next job. And thanks for sharing the pics of the historic home. I enjoy historic homes tours. Anytime I can nose around a beautiful home and get ideas, I'm happy. ha ha ha
That looks like a beautiful place to relax and eat great food. I know y'all enjoyed it. Boiled peanuts are definately a down home treat in NC and GA too. Yummy! So excited for you to be getting all this publicity and new clients! Can't wait to see the pics.
That's such a beautiful place and I'm glad you got to enjoy it for an evening.
I suppose that if we want your autograph we should ask for it now before you become one of those big famous decorating stars on TV. Congratulations on all the new publicity! You work hard and deserve it. I'm just so thankful I found your blog because it helps me tremendously.
What a beautiful old home. I love it. They don't made porches like they used. I think boiled peanuts are definitely a southern thing. I live in Calif and I've never had them and never seen them on the menu anywhere. I don't think I could get them if I tried :o)
Rhoda, I visit your blog everyday for inspiration. I'm in the middle of a mess remodeling/updating my home so I always look at your home for ideas. I also think you are a beautiful - inside and out! I know it is NONE of my business, but you are so gorgeous I wish you would consider a different hairstyle. Maybe something a bit trendy to show off your classic taste yet whimsy for decorating. Tell me to bite my tongue and be happy in your own skin. I'm only making a suggestion and it is just my opinion. No harm intended. God bless!
Next time make reservations for 4. Looks like fun!
Thanks for another tip in Birmingham! I will remember this place for our next trip there. We try to make an overnight trip on some of our Dr. appointments there!
Good luck with your new client. Looking forward to the pictures.
This looks like just the kind of place J and I would love to have dinner and we love jazz! The home reminds me of some of the older homes in St Charles' historic area.
I have indeed had boiled peanuts, but then I've traveled the south since I was a mere child!
Good news about your client and newspaper articles!
I absolutely love your blog. To me it encompasses true Southern Hospitality, just as the name implies.
Good for you. . . making the paper AGAIN!!
What a charming house to have dinner and jazz together for a great evening!!
Good luck with your new customer, I'm sure she'll be very happy!
Ok, now Anon. I thought I did have a somewhat trendy hairstyle! Most of the time, it's got a little flip in the back with lots of layers all over. Now, granted in that pic I posted, it looks pretty bad, I will adknowlege that. My hair stylist loves my hair, but I'm limited with it. I do wish I could have different hairstyles, but unfortunately I have the kind of hair that I can only do certain things with. It's very thick, somewhat wavy (used to be much more curly than it is now), very unruly, tends to frizz in the summer & I've about given up on anything long. So, I stick to a modified bob style for the most part. I may let it grow out just a bit more for a true bob. That style has always worked on me over the years.
So, what would you suggest?? I'd love to hear it.
You wondered if boiled peanuts were enjoyed in other areas of the country. I have lived in Nebraska most of my life and I have never even HEARD of boiled peanuts. I asked some of my friends and they hadn't heard of them either. I realize we are a small minority, but thought I'd give you some kind of feedback to your pondering.
I love your blog! You are an inspiration--a true Proverbs 31 woman!
Hubs and I will have to drive up to visit that little restaurant; it looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing so many pictures. And congratulations on getting some newspaper exposure. That's great!!
Congrats - good luck with your business - and what a beautiful spot to eat.
Boiled peanuts are definitely a southern thing. You won't find them in the north at all.
This was a beautiful tour and just as beautiful was the picture of you and your husband. I enjoyed the tour and will come back again for a visit.
Congratulations on the job and the news feature.
That building is just absolutely gorgeous.
Wow, that house looks wonderful. You said B-ham has wonderful architecture and you certainly have shown us some lovely examples in your posts. Good luck with your new client--how exciting! Looking forward to some great photos of your work.
Wow Rhoda! Sounds like your decor business is kicking off. Good job!
I've never had boiled peanuts. You know, every time I read your blog I leave hungry for some reason. Why oh why. Maybe it's the yummy southern cooking. Off to eat now. ;-)
I have a mantra today~~~~ with a pounding head cold I find such comfort here...sigh...sniff...sneeze
....new "dress" over at cityfarmer~~~
What a beautiful place. I'd love to listen to jazz on that porch any night.
Yes, boiled peanuts are delish - we have them in NC.
Thanks for the great pics, Rhoda; I just love big porches. What a great place for dinner and jazz.
I've never heard of boiled peanuts out here in California; roasted, yes, but boiled, no. How do they taste? How long do you boil them?
I'm looking forward to seeing you work your magic for your client. And back in the paper again? Yahoo! With your love for - and wonderful experience with - yardsaling, you could write a great column for the paper. Keep us posted!
Rhoda...sounds as if business is booming! I'm so happy for you, as I know you'll thoroughly enjoy minute of the redo.
Thanks for sharing Rucker Place with us. It looks sooo inviting!
I love boiled peanuts! I live in Washington State but come from a southern family and we are so sad that they dont sell them in the stores (big peanut patch fans). There is a lady in the small town of Snohomish though that is from Alabama and sells her homemade boiled peanuts at her vegetable stand. I'd love to eat out and get them as a side... as a matter of fact I wish they sold sweet tea and salty cornbread!
Rhoda what a beautiful place to spend a few hrs, enjoying tasty food and lovely music. The photos of that wonderful old home great. And speaking of great, congrats on the news paper article, you will do a terrific piece, can't wait to see it. Have a wonderful weekend.
Rhoda, we used to go to MArtinis at IMAX in Atlanta ata museum and the always hd a Jazz band set up underneath this huge dinosaur skeleton. I hate Martinis, but I loved the music, so we went often. I would love that restaurant you visited.
Congrats on making the paper AGAIN. So awesome!
Thanks for sharing the pics of the historical home but I have to admit I was so focused on what you ordered for dinner that I was distracted girl...it looks delicious! I was raised on boiled peanuts....nothing like them. For all of you who have never tried them, do yourself a favor and visit: www.southernconnoisseur.com
to order yourself a batch. You must have an ice cold coke and sit on the front porch while eating them.
What a beautiful property. The house is a wonderful design and the grounds are nicely landscaped.
Do stop by my blog to see how my gardening has been developing this summer.
OOh, thanks for sharing! This looks great.
You are going to be famous with all these newspaper articles!!! How fun!
That historic home is so beautiful! I've never seen boiled peanuts here in California so it must be a Southern thing! Hmmm I wonder if there is something here that we eat that you don't? I know it used to be avocados but now I think those are everywhere.
What a gorgeous place! Boiled peanuts...yum...love 'em! I've never seen them served as a side dish though. Interesting.
Rhoda-where is the rucker house? Address? i would love to try it out.
Also a HUGE congrats on the News artical. The patio and yard sales. To cool. Remind me when it runs. I hope you get lots of work from it.
I think your client will be happy. cannto wait to see what it shapes up to. Pics.
ps I would love to go yard saling with ya!
LOL It's me, Anon, again! I did not intend to hurt your feelings or sound mean. I'm from the South and you know how us Southern girls fuss with our hair. I just think you are beautiful and was suggesting you might try something knew. Honestly (yeah...not that I haven't already been honest enough here) I think if you look at justabeachkat's blog and scroll down to Sunday's post where Kat has pics of their dinner with friends, look at Jack and Linda. I think you would look gorgeous with a hairstyle sort of like that. Okay, I'll give you a break and stop stalking your hair! And please keep posting pics of your house! Long ago I bookmarked pics of your laundry room. God Bless!
Jazz on the Porch is my kind of fun! Too bad you missed the jazz, but the porch sure looked pretty. Good luck with your client's redo. I'm sure it'll be beautiful.
Hi Rhoda
Ive just found your blog site and was reading some of your old posts. Believe it or not we eat boiled peanuts in Queensland, Australia.
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