Friday started bright and early at 6:00 a.m., when we left Birmingham and headed to the Market in Atlanta. I was really tagging along with Lynn and Jane, who were looking for new things for their monogram business. I decided to get registered too with my new business and I had to take a pic of my badge showing me as a Buyer for The Restyled Room. I doubt I'll go over there a lot, since Market is mostly for stores stocking their floors and many of the wholesalers require a minimim order to get started, but it sure was fun looking around at all the new and exciting things in design. It's nice to know that I can go back anytime I'd like now and who knows, when things get busier for me, I may try to do some buying there. The only thing I brought home this time was a lucky sample find of a University of Alabama metal trashcan that made my hubby oh so happy.
It's been at least 10 years since I've been to the Market. My Aunt Mary used to have a dress shop in Florida and she'd come up here at least once a year to the Market and buy clothes for her shop. Me, my sister, and my cousin would tag along and check things out, so it was a lot of fun to go in there and see the magnitude of it all. Everything from furniture, accessories, rugs, art, fine jewelry, costume jewelry, sports stuff, and of course's all at the Market. I had only been to the Gift mart one time, so it was fun for me to take all of that in again. Oh, and I met a fun HGTV celebrity and got my picture taken with him, which I'll show you later. That was a hoot!
So, we walked and walked and walked, looking at booth after booth of fun things. Imagine 3 buildings with at least 12 floors each. That's how much there is to take in. It's impossible to look at everything in two or three days, much less one, but we sure tried. They were looking for some particular vendors who carry linens, towels, kid's clothes, etc. for stocking their business and of course, I wanted to hit the furniture, accessories and decorating area. Here are a few pics that I took at some furniture booths that we went by.

Isn't this distressed green hutch pretty? Love the color.

And this red one with cherries, I can see being right at home in several cottage homes I can think of.

Pretty pottery.

Picture frames

A garden vignette in one of the windows.

There's an International section with importers from around the world. This was a booth of fine Italian leather goods from Florence, Italy. Yummy, yummy!

And Jane and Lynn stopped to talk to a nice Italian young man who was manning a booth of fine Italian linens. Those Italians know how to make some exquisite things. I had to tell him how much I love Italy. Bellisimo!

Unfortunately, the price points were too much for them, since they are just getting started in their business. This is Lynn chatting with the guy.

Mary Carol Garrity was represented at the Market and I found a really nice display all set up with her beautiful things. I had not seen much of it in person before and would love to see Nell Hill's store one day, so this was the next best thing. They wouldn't let me take pics in the booth space, but this is a window display I passed. Gorgeous!

Fine linens and silverware.

And it's time to order for Christmas, so there were tons of Christmas displays around. Yikes, I don't even want to think about Christmas right now!

They stopped in some kid's booths and looked around.

And checked out these bags for monogramming.

This booth had kid's furniture so very prettily displayed. I hung out with them until lunch, then they went on to look at more things for their business and I hit the building with all the fun decorative accessories. Oh, was that a fun 2 hours!

I adored this black and white booth with some beautiful things in there. Love this bench, as well as the fabric and those mirrored chests were stunning.

As was this ginormous clock! It was huge and I loved it.

This white table and chairs was really pretty too.

This seashell artwork caught my eye. I saw lots of this I would have loved to bring home. Maybe next time.

One of my favorite places to shop, House Parts, had a very pretty booth display.

And this booth had all sorts of lamps and chandeliers displayed so nicely. Loved the bunny lamp.

So, back to the HGTV celebrity. Do you recognize him? After I went and looked at all the design things I could take in and my legs were about to collapse, I was waiting to meet up with my friends and I looked up and right in front of me was Sparkle Josh from last season's HGTV Design Star. He was getting in line for something to drink, so being the shy person I am, I went over and asked him if I could take a picture. He was very gracious, was happy to oblige and asked me if I'd like to be in it too, so of course, I said yeah! His friend took our pic and it was such a hoot running into him. He was there from Nashville with some of his designer friends shopping at the Market. I asked him what he was doing since the show and he said he's still working with HGTV and has something coming out in August, so stay tuned for more from Sparkle Josh. I love watching that show and have kept up with this season's cast too. It's filled with drama and excitement, so give it a try if you haven't seen it (Sunday nights). There's no way on God's green earth, I'd subject myself to that show. Way too much pressure for me!

OK, so back to the design building. These lampshades were very cool.

As well as these dog pillows. I think there's a dog for every dog lover out there. Needlepoints and they were done so well.

This monogrammed bed caught my eye.

And I loved this garden display.

Christmas, anyone?

Take a look at this gorgeous bed, with the monogrammed headboard, black and white linens and the yummy aqua wall behind it. Gaaaawgus! I was drooling.

More monogrammed pillows on this sumptious bed.

I absolutely fell in love with this zebra black/cream bench. Now I could kick myself for not getting a brochure from this company. I don't even know who makes it. It would look so great in my den under my botanical pics, as extra seating. I may have to make a point to go back and check this out again and save my pennies. I'd have to see if they'd let me order just one.

So, after a full day of shopping, walking, eating, shopping, walking and more walking, it was time to go home. Pittypat's Porch is an Atlanta landmark and one place I have never eaten in Atlanta. We parked right next to it in a parking garage, so I snapped a couple of pics of the entrance.

It's been around as long as I can remember. Has anyone ever eaten there? After all that shopping and walking, we worked up an appetite and decided to hit another great Atlanta landmark.....

The Varsity! Now, this place I love. I've been going here since I was a kid. You ain't had nothin' til you've had onion rings and a frosted orange from the Varsity. I know they are known for their chili dogs, but I don't ever get those or the hamburgers.

The world famous counter at The Varsity...
whattayahave, whattayahave?? They really do yell that out all the time.

I got my usual of a chicken salad sandwich on toasted wheat, onion rings, a frosted orange (which is like an orange milkshake), and finished it off with a peach pie for dessert. I have been eating this combo for years. I got my allotment of grease for at least a month, but I'm tellin' ya'll, this is some good food. Lots of people won't go in the Varsity, because of the grease factor, but I love this stuff! Good eatin'...really. It's a treat and no, you definitely couldn't eat this every day! Even though those Georgia Tech boys might give it a try, since it's so close to campus. We enjoyed our food in the car and headed back to the Magic City where I plopped into bed and got the best sleep I've had in ages. Hope you enjoyed our trip to The Market!
It's Sunday and I have an exiting week ahead of me. I'm heading down to Florida with my designer friend for 3 days and we are going to be working on a beachhouse in Watercolor (near Seaside). What a fun gig that is gonna be! I'm very excited and hope to take some pics to share when I get back. And I have a consultation next week with a new client of my own, so things are really starting to hop for me. Of course, I'll be sure to share it with all of you as I'm starting to do what I've always dreamed of doing, decorating and creating! I've got a post ready to go while I'm gone and I'll come back probably tired, but charged up and ready to share.
Enjoy your week!
62 friends stopped by:
I have often wondered if Pittypat's Porch was still there! My husband and I spent a few days camping in Atlanta as a young couple, and we ate there! It was a LONG time ago. LOL I rememeber waiting then on a balcony with rocking chairs...maybe eating chicken wings as an apetizer?? Hard to remember all the details after so long.
Great pictures of the Market...your comments and photos are great!
Hi Rhoda -
Thanks for taking us along to market. Every picture was full of such wonderful treasures. I loved the round yellow table and the birdhouses with yellow roofs. Of course I would - they would be right at home at my house! Can't wait to see what you're up to this week and with your new client. Have a wonderful, safe trip.
Rhoda, you've got me drooling with all these gorgeous pics!! thanks for letting us tag along with you! What a fun week you've got lined up, too...good luck!! :-)
I have a friend who goes to Market for women's accessories and I've heard her rave about how wonderful it is. I'd never be able to escape that place without taking out a small loan!! All the pictures are the monogram Christmas ornaments. I think you and your new client will inspier many new posts. Can't wait to see what y'all are up to next!
How did you take all that in?.. I think my little head would just pop from overload and excitement~ ..Thanks for taking us along so we could sneak a peek .... I just love our fieltrips with you and I never spend a dime, myhusband loves that Im sure, hehe....i bet your full of ideas now.. cant wait to see what you will be up too. Take care my friend, Susie h~
You know what's so great about this post, Rhoda? I get to go to the Market and didn't have to pay for gas! While I can't buy anything there (Mac says that's a good thing) I have gotten so many ideas for decoration that my mind is whirling...I love the Christmas pics, and I have just the mug rack to hang lovely ornaments on for Christmas. I haven't been to the Varsity in years, but I loved their hotdogs and onion rings above all! Sonic's are close, but no cigar! Thanks for the great trip...let me know if I need to chip in for gas!
Oh Miz Rhoda, thank you so much for all the wonderful eye candy from Market! What a blast to see! You looked like you were having a great time too!
In Spartanburg there's the "The Beacon" which I suspect is a lot like the Varsity, from the sounds of it. I haven't ate there in ages, for the same reason, the grease factor! LOL
thanks for sharing! You have the best field trip adventures.
Wow, that's awesome! It's almost like sensory overload. Thanks for sharing & good luck with your new clients!
Hugs, DebraK
So funny. All weekend long I have been thinking to myself, everyone is Atlanta Market right now. Jaime and I are thinking of being a vendor next year for our frames. We've done shows before for the consumer and it's always done surprisingly well.
I think it's time for market! Thanks for sharing these pictures Rhoda.
Loved all of the black and white items you shared. What a fun trip. And those are two of my favorite Atlanta eateries. YUM!!!
The Market looks and sounds like great fun, Rhoda! I'm so happy for you that you are getting your decorating business up and running. You are such a talented decorator; your clients will be be very happy.
I caught the Mail order decorating show on the Fine Living Channel after your post about it...great show, thanks for the heads up.
Lovely things! Thanks for letting us tag along. And I'm sooo glad Sparkle Josh is doing a show!
I can't believe you met Sparkle Josh! I loved him last season. That's so fun! Also love that you got some inside HGTV scoop there. I had no idea he was still working with them. Interesting!
Really enjoyed shopping along with you in today's post. There were so many gorgeous things to gawk at! -Julia :-)
Thanks, Rhoda, for allowing us such a visual feast for the eyes! I have been reading your blog for quite awhile now and eagerly look forward to every post. Thank you for sharing your life with us! Can't wait to see the outcome of your upcoming trip!
Oh my gosh those picture are beautiful. I would go nuts there. Like a kid in a candy shop. I love that clock too. Sparkle Josh was one of my favorite on design star. I can't believe you ran into him.
Rhoda-you are such a busy girl. Have fun in Florida!
Brandee :-)
Rhoda, what a great post. What great things you saw and did in ATL.
Funny about Sparkle Josh. I just caught an old episode of "Cash in the Attic," and saw Sparkle Josh in the audience at the auction. LOL
Good luck with your burgeoning decorating biz.
Thanks for taking us along on your market visit. That was fun! My son works and lives in downtown Atlanta and he takes us to The Varsity. The first trip was a bit unnerving with the counter help yelling "WHATYAHAVE???" until you place your order. BUT it is memorable to do something different from the usual. The food was OK, too. We HAVE to have fun along the way! That is one place to do it! Have fun in Florida. I know you will AND I'm looking forward to new pictures and narrations.
Betty in Oklahoma
What fun!
You showed great restraint... I can't believe all you came home with was a trashcan!
~and a lot of great ideas :-)
Great post girl...I always love taking the tour with you in your beautiful pictures! Have a great trip and congrats on getting your own client and I know your business will do your dream girl! Have a great Sunday!
I always enjoy your posts. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the market. My daughter was also there purchasing items for her monogramming business. I love the monogrammed headboard you showed with the black & white linens and the aqua wall. That truly was Gaaawgus!
I used to live in Atlanta and it has been years since I have been to Pittypat's Porch, but I ALWAYS stop at The Varsity when I am passing through. I, too, always have the Frosted Orange, Onion Rings and fried pie, but I usually have a hotdog or a hamburger. You haven't lived until you order a hamburger and they yell out, "Give me a burger and drag it thru the garden!
Glad you had such a fun time!
That place looks like heaven. So much to see.
Thanks for all of the great pictures.
Have fun in FL.
Thanks for taking me on the Market tour, I live outside Atlanta but have never been there. I guess you have to be a buyer to go, correct?
Never have been to the Varsity (but have seen it on my way to the airport) or heard of Pittypat's Porch, where is that in Atlanta?
Can't wait to see your pics from Fl. you have such great decorating ideas. Have fun!
SO cool you ran into Sparkle Josh!
Thanks for posting all the eye candy too. I went to Market in January and couldn't walk for about 2 days afterwards. :-)
OMGosh! How fun! Love all the pics and couldn't help but giggle about you meeting Sparkle Josh! Isn't he a character? :) You need to apply for Design Star next season! I love that show!
Rhoda, your pictures made that almost like getting to go. Thanks for sharing.
Loved going to market with you. I usually go myself, but couldn't fit it in this year. Can't wait to read about your Seaside project next week.
It looks like y'all had a great trip! Thanks for sharing it with us...There were a few things that were pink and green there and it has my mind churning!
LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures!! Great ideas!
Have fun in Seaside. I have such fond childhood memories of staying there (of course it looked so different than it does now!) My aunt and uncle own a house there, and we would go all the time! I remember when the only thing there was The Wheelhouse and Bud 'n Ally's and a post office.
Great post Rhoda,
So happy things are starting to happen for you, good luck this week !!
Love the pic of you and Sparkle Josh, I love Design glad Tracee got the boot tonight, about time !!!
All the best,
Kathy :)
Evening Rhoda! My, what a fab time you must have had! Thanks for letting me tag along. Oops, I forgot my money! I see so many beautiful things I would love to have! And you look so cute with the shiny boy!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Hi Rhoda
It was fun to see all the photos of Market. What an awesome place to be able to visit!! Cute picture of you and Sparkle Josh.
Hope you have a great time in Florida. I'm so happy for you that your business is getting off the ground. I've always wanted to do that too!
Hugs, Rhondi
Gosh, I'm jealous. I'd love to visit the market again. It was fun seeing all the photos though.
It was great chatting with you by phone this afternoon. I hope you're having a good time.
Just amazing! There were so many gorgeous items in this post. OOH! I'd like to have one of each!
And YOU! Aren't you a lovely lady, rubbing elbows with the stars!
Good for you getting your business rolling!!!!
Thanks for taking us with you to the market. I enjoyed the visit too!
Come by and say hello and see me! I have posted some pics! Did something very new to me...eeekkk! Had some fun but thought I would give it a try!
P.S. WOW! How fun was all that! 3 football stadiums filled to the brim with goodies! YEa!
Great post Rhoda. Your market trip was wonderful! I loved the utensil printed linens, monograms, window displays & Pittypat's Porch looks like a great place to eat :-}
Market looks like even more fun than IKEA!! I'm so jealous!! The fern plates in the Mary Carol Garrity display were at her store in Atchison and were very reasonably priced. My mom almost bought some but couldn't decide exactly where to put them. Our houses are both on the small side and we have to carefully weigh where each purchase will be displayed or what we will give away to make room for the new!
Oh my, how much fun was that? I especially loved photos of the: Italian leather goods, black and white booth and kids rooms. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Looks like so much fun Rhoda. My friend Lori, owner of All About Home, goes to the Atlanta Market. I'd love to go sometime!
Have fun in Florida...sounds like an amazing opportunity!
Have a great week.
Well, see what happens when I don't make the time to visit you?? You start a whole new business! One you were created for, and sounds absolutely perfect for you.:)
Rhoda, I wish you a ton of success, and thanks for taking us to Atlanta. I really wanted to go this year, and now I feel I have, in a small way.
xo Lidy
What a fun day you had. I loved seeing all the pretty pictures you took. From beginning to end, it was a fun treat to share your day! Thank you! Patti
What a feast for the eyes!! Such wonderful ideas...I bet you didn't know where to look!! I love the painted furniture and the linens too.
You brave soul! I find the Atlanta Mart SO overwhelming, I can barely even deal with it. However, I loved seeing your edited version, and it was great to see Sparkle Josh!
That monogrammed bed was so cute. It would be darling in a guest room or a little girl's room.
What fun this market must have been! I adore that cherry cupboard. So many lovely things and your photos make feel I'm there myself. xoxo
I.Want.It.All. Event he meal you had!! How lucky are you to have had a day like that?? I am seriously jealous!
Stop by, if you have a chance...I'm hosting a "perfectly imperfect" week, and I'd love you to participate!! With all the yard sale goodies you have acquired over the years, I thought of you right away!!
Have a great week Rhoda!
Thanks so much for letting us 'tag' along with you. I've always wanted to go to Market and see whats hot at the moment. My husband LOVES the Varsity-he attended Georgia Tech so if we even drive by he wants to stop!
Hi Rhoda,
I've never heard of the market but it looks like lots of fun. So wonder your feet were tired. That's alot of walking. I lvoe so many of the things you showed I wouldn;'t know where to start. Hope your trip goes well and I'm happy your business is doing good.
what a wonderful day for a visit.. I totally forgot you were going to market.. I head to the one up our way and they are just a ton of fun aren't they... I hope you share more with us about your time there.. And Sparkle Josh.. what a scream that had to have been... thanks for sharing.. hugs ~lynne~aka decorator101
This was a lot of fun, and informative. Thank you for this great peek.
Wow...I found your blog by accident but I am in love with it!! I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing what new ideas you have. I am newly married and on my journey to decorate our home. I love to decorate and your blog has some great ideas!!
Stop by our blog sometime....
God bless,
Hi Rhoda,
I came by yesterday but had to run and didn't get a chance to comment.
Looks like you had a good time at the Mart. Dana and I used to go twice a year to buy for our store and I have to say that I don't miss scouring those 3 huge buildings with all those floors. Seeing the Cotton Colors booth does bring back many wonderful memories though.
Glad you had a good time and as always your look gorgeous my friend.
Thank you so much for allowing me to live vicariously through you and visit Market. I would LOVE to be able to go one day! I would go crazy because I would want to make sure I
saw everything. Thanks for the great pictures!!!
Beautiful stuff! I'd be on consumer overload going there. Looks like you had a fabulous time!!!
Sure sounds like a good time was had by all! I ate at PittyPats in 1973! How could that be possible? I must have been an infant!! Actually we were on our way back to Vt from New Orleans where we had honeymooned. I remember fried chicken:)
To market, to market.........I'm drooling over much of what you saw there Rhoda - the Italian linens, the cream pottery, the painted hutches, the outdoor furniture with damask patterned upholstery etc. etc. I went to the High Point Furniture Market one year (friends got me in!) and was just in awe - I'd be the same here at the Gift Market!
Your former post with the lampshades caught my eye to, they are great - I just posted on my love for damask and my lampshades!
Hope you're all rested now and ready to decorate!
My dad owned two LaZBoy stores so I went to market a couple of times as a teen. There are a few days where it overlaps with the fashion mart- that is what I went for. I remember the rooms and rooms of furniture and decorations. I would LOVE to go now, and now I can't- boo hoo!
Okey-dokey..I hope this post doesn't embarrass you...I showed my DH your latest photo and he said, " Wow, she's a keeper!" Hey, he's 71 years young so he's really harmless...LOL...Now the both of us are enjoying your sweet and decorative blog.. All the best!
:-) Brown-Eyes
Hi Rhoda :)
How fun that you met Sparkle Josh! I'll bet he really stood out ;)
What a wonderful place to visit! I'm not ready for Christmas either, but I loved the Santas.
I'd love to grab a bite at The Varsity.... it looks yummy!
This is fantastic! Now I feel like I was there. All of that design beauty...and Sparkle Josh was the cherry on the sundae. I wanted to scoop up everything in that bright green Mary Carol Garrity vignette. Ooohhhhh...
I'm having a great time on your blog! Can't wait to "window shop" with you again.
Wow Rhoda,
Sensory overload. What great stuff, and pictures, and celebrities, and everything!!!
You have to check out the chair on my blog, I totally thought of you when I got it.
You sound so busy, just like me.
Have a great day!
Oh my! Thanks for sharing all of those pictures. There enough inspiration in thos photos to last for years!
Oh Rhoda, can you see how green I am from there? What a fabulous day. I've never eaten at PittyPat's but the Varsity is another matter. It is required eating when we visit Atlanta.
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