When I got an email asking me if I’d like to participate in an online book tour reviewing a new book by Birmingham’s own, Phyllis Norton Hoffman, and the subject is shoes, I was all over it! I mean, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a lifelong shoe addiction. Guilty as charged. I actually did a post back in January titled Can you have too many shoes?? And I’ve concluded that no, no, you really can’t.
Here’s a little about Phyllis, from her online bio:
A leading figure in the publishing industry, Phyllis Norton Hoffman is majority owner and president of Hoffman Media, LLC.
A native of Hoover, Alabama and a graduate of the University of Alabama in Birmingham, she began her career as a Certified Public Accountant with a nationally known firm before founding a special-interest publication company in 1983 that is now known as Hoffman Media, LLC.
Hoffman is recognized industry-wide as a savvy businesswoman and talented entrepreneur. She serves as the creative engine of the company, producing an ever-widening range of beautiful magazines including TeaTime, Southern Lady, Just CrossStitch, Sew Beautiful, and Taste of the South magazines. She is also a sought-after speaker across the country, a devoted wife and mother and a church and community leader.
Did you catch the magazines that her publishing company is responsible for: Southern Lady and also Cooking with Paula, which is not listed on that. I actually got to meet Phyllis last year at a women’s event our church was sponsoring and she was the speaker. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing her and she even brought magazines for all of us, so I really loved her then. Magazines are my love language.
(In Style Home, Spring 2006, Mariah Carey’s closet…don’t we wish?!)
The tag line of the book is “Celebrating the footsteps of the Contemporary Woman”, and it really is true that as we grow and mature, so do our shoes. Phyllis tells many humorous and witty stories all throughout the book about her life growing up and how shoes played a major part in it. All done with wit, wisdom and a whole lotta fun thrown in. I sure do remember my first pair of grown up heels that I finally got to choose one Easter when I was around 12 or 13. Oh my, the excitement of looking for the perfect pair of 1” heels! You’d have thought we were shopping for gold. I think they were black patent with ribbon ties that came across the top of my foot and the heel was tiny, but oh yeah, it was a heel. Finally, I had arrived.
From Cinderella’s glass slipper, to Dorothy’s fancy red ruby slippers in the Wizard of Oz, to fashion mavens Jackie O and Princess Di, Phyllis covers the gamut of shoes and finery and what a role all of that plays in each of our lives. Most of us as women feel good in a pair of good-looking shoes, no doubt about that. They can make you feel sexy. Or sassy. Or dowdy. They can certainly make or break an outfit, as well as even be cruel at times. My days of wearing a lot of high heels are probably past me for the most part, I just don’t do a lot of dressing up anymore, but I can remember feeling really cute and sassy in certain shoes that I’ve had over the years.
My closet is still full of them, even if the heel is back down to that 1” I started with when I was around 12. Phyllis shares many of her life struggles and how she got through them and even the shoes that walked her through those struggles. A witty and fun book to read (especially if you’re Southern and even if you’re not). She laments wearing white shoes before Memorial Day or after Labor Day (a cardinal sin, just listen to your mother), which is what most of us in the South have heard all our lives. The rules have relaxed a bit over the years, thankfully. I don’t even own a white pair of shoes anymore. I do remember very vividly the white go-go boots that were all the rage when I was in Jr. High School and that Phyllis fondly remembers in the book. I don’t remember having a pair, but I think my sister did. She was older and got to do things before I did, darn it.
Phyllis Norton Hoffman takes you on a journey examining these defining moments, sharing what she has learned when she was required to wear different shoes – from a mother and wife to entrepreneur and businesswoman to publishing powerhouse to doting grandmother – and provides advice for women on putting their best foot forward, no matter their role, circumstance, or stage of life.
So, if you get a chance to read this fun and fascinating book about women and our devotion to all things shoes, I’d definitely say do it! You’ll thoroughly enjoy tip-toeing through the pages with Phyllis, in whatever shoes you might choose for the day!
I love what cooking queen, Paula Deen, says on the cover, “Phyllis and I have taken many steps together. I take mine in flats!”
Amen, Paula! Flip-flops for me.
And for the really fun part! I am getting 3 copies of this book to give away to my readers, so all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me your favorite memory of shoes and what your favorites are. You know I love some shoes! Contest closes Friday evening at 6:00 PM Central time. I'll pick a winner and announce it Saturday a.m.

113 friends stopped by:
red suede dolly shoes 20 years ago
silver flats - last year
green wedge - high gorgeous oh-so-wedgy!
I'm so glad those talented ladies saw *your talent and asked you to contribute
Hi Rhoda,
This book sounds like such a fun read! Your comments brought back memories of my first pair of high heel shoes and Oh! those go go boots - what fun! I had trouble walking in my first pair of heels and now at 56 y.o. I'm starting to have trouble walking in heels again. So, at this stage in my life I like to wear a lower heel sandal but I still can't resist a nice pair of dressy shoes either! Thanks for the chance to win this great book. Sheila
Although I am not a shoe hound. My daughter is....As a funny scrap book page we decided to lay out her many shoes. She was pulling out tubs from the closet and under the bed for quite awhile. As I started to count, she told me she wasn't finished, there was more in storage. I stopped counting at 100.
I do believe with the sandle craze, she could top 200 pair.
I LOVE Hoffman's mags. She does
the Sandra Lee one also.
Shoes, well I love them to.
I think the purple ones I wore
this spring for my daughters
wedding are some of the most fun
ones, I've never had purple shoes
before and I think everyone should
have a pair sometime in their
Rhoda, I have lurked on your blog for weeks now and I have enjoyed your humor and style. I have always loved shoes. My favorite pair has to be the ones that my sisters and I picked out to wear to my Mom's funeral. Not a fun occasion, at all...but those blue (colon cancer awareness color) 3" pumps have bonded us sisters in a way that can never be undone. I wear them a lot and always remember the time with my sisters, when everything could have gone wrong...but magically turned out alright.
I had these great platforms in high school--black corduroy around the bottom and a cute print on top with 5" heels! Loved, loved, loved those shoes--wish I'd kept them.
I don't think I have a favorite pair now. Wearing those platforms and heels early on left my feet in not so great condition. Flats are my best friend now, too.
My favorite pair was back in the 70's. It was a pair of cork wedge sandals with the ties that came up your leg and wrapped around. I thought I had arrived! I tried my best to wear them every day of my life - even with shorts!
Morning Rhoda,
I am not a shoe person, my one daughter is, but I love anything flat. Truth be told, I am a klutz in heels. Right now I have a pair of thinly strapped silver "flat" sandal that I love, it took me two years to find the perfect ones and when I was a preteen I remember a pair of white go go boots with a small heel that I absolutely thought I looked "cool" in.
This book sounds like a fun read and I love me some reading material.
My hubby thinks I am crazy because I have so many shoes. But I know that a girl can never have too many!! I remember when we went on our honeymoon last September...we went to the beach & to Disney World. So really (in his mind) all I need are 2 pairs of shoes. Flip flops for the beach & tennis shoes for Disney. WRONG!! The funny thing is when we were checking our bags in at the airport, my bag was 7 pounds over...so we had to (in front of everyone!!!) put some of my shoes in his bag!! What a great way to break em in..the day after we got married!HA!
I remember my mom getting me a pair of shoes that I hated! I just took a scissors and cut off the ugly parts and they were ruined! I was a brat.
My favorite shoes were a pair of red maryjanes, I loved those shoes! I was about 12 and they were so hip at the time...lol....
Now high heels I loved! I had them is so many colors. I loved plain pumps and strappy ones...Oh gosh I just love shoes! When you gain weight and are mad at yourself because you have to go up a size, you can always get a great pair of shoes and all is well.
Great post, Rhoda.
I love shoes too, but I think my favorite memories about shoes will always be of my just-now-two-year-old daughter. She LOVES shoes and it was from an early time. "Shoes!" was one of her earliest words. It's the craziest thing and my husband is already sweating her teenage years. When we go into a shop she is seemingly drawn to the shoe department and she always picks out cute shoes! Each day, she wants to put shoes on first thing in the morning. The girl loves shoes. And I love that.
My most memorable shoes were hot pink heels and peek toes...made me feel "sassy" as you say!
Hi first time posting here! My favorite memory has to be my wedding shoes. The only white shoes I own. They were beautiful with the glittering stones on them that day. I truly felt like a queen for one day:)
My favorite shoe memory actually belongs to my daughter. From the time she was about 2 yrs. she has been obsessed with shoes. She has so many when she was tiny, black patents, flip-flops, sneakers, you name it. And she always wanted more, even as a toddler. No surprise that now that she is 15, her obsession is in full swing. She is breakin my pocketbook with her shoe requests. Um, maybe it's time for her to get a job and feed her own shoe desires.
Me? I'm a flip-flop girl. And now that Old Navy has them for $2.50 a pair, I have them in every color.
I love shoes. I bought a pair of flats from Macy's the first time I went to NYC. They were different. They were blue and green checked. They were so very comfortable. I wore them until they couldn't be worn any longer.
My niece is 6 yrs old now. She loves shoes but since she now lives in Florida she wears flip flops a lot. Her favorite ones are the ones that I have knit around the straps or the ones where I have helped her bling up the straps.
My current favorite pair of shoes are my red ballet flats - love 'em! Let's see...my favorite memory involving shoes is probably all the memories (and miles) that my running shoes have brought me. I've done 4 marathons and 2 half-marathons and the memories of those events and preparing for them are priceless. I ran the Chicago Marathon just a couple of weeks after 9/11 and it was a really special event.
I love shoes so much my husband had to have an intervention! haha. I have tons in just about every color! I cannot pick a certain pair that is my favorite and each of them have special memories! =)
I love your post on shoes. I used to have so many cute heels in college, funny thing after having 2 children my feet got bigger I had to give them all away. But over the years I have aquired more, most of them more sensible. After being a nurse for 25 years and having had heel pain issues, I now live in my Birkenstocks. I uses to think they were the ugliest shoes and they are but no pain is better. I do wear small heels when I dress up. I just bought me a red pair to wear this weekend, to my husbands 30 yr reunion. I never knew what a red pair of hels could do for you, I am very excited to wear them. Marla
My mother would not let me get suede black loafers for school; thought they were for teenagers..( I was in the 5th grade! ) but one time in the summer we found some black patent
penny loafers on sale that she felt were acceptable. I remember thinking I looked SO WITH IT....when really I wasn't because they were black patent!
I love shoes. I have more shoes than outfits. I love to find bargain on shoes and my latest find was a pair of speery for 2.97 - you can't beat that price and they are so comfy. My favorite pair of shoes was my rah-rah's from high school.( in the 80's ) they were in my school colors and I had two or three pairs because I kept wearing the soles out. The book looks os interesting - hope that I am blessed with a copy. Thanks for every and love your blog.
My grandfather owned a shoe store so I can remember how much I coveted my shoes at a very early age. It is a toss up between my favorites: black and white saddle oxfords or my red mary jane buster browns....ah, found memories!
Oh, shoes. We do love them, don't we? I'll never forget when I was 17 years old and found the most beautiful pair of black pumps. They were Van Eli shoes--Italian leather, as soft as gloves. And they were over $100 (in 1981!). But I found them on clearance for $25 and bought them. I wore them for years, and I felt like a million bucks every single time I put them on.
They were wise to ask you to comment on this book. You know whereof you speak!
As a teenager, I loved my go-go boots. But now, I seem to live in flip-flops. I think I have a pair in every color too.
Love Victoria magazine and I heard about Phyllis' new book. Sounds great!
Rhoda--I love shoes, too. My most memorable pair were some bright orange patent MaryJanes that had a big bow on top. My mother bought my best friend and I matching pairs when we were in 6th grade (mid 1960's). They sort of looked like tap shoes but in that great orange color. We proudly wore them with white dresses to the grand opening of a new hospital in town. We were so proud!
Now, at age 55, I love my FitFlops! I must have 8 pairs and even use them in place of slippers.
Thanks for the opportunity to share about Shoes!
Blessings, Suzanne
Every a.m. I have the fascination of wondering what Rhoda is talking about today! Shoes, what girl isn't nuts about them. Whether they are her fave athletic shoe or
the zebra print or sparkles across the bands of sandals.
My memory is of black patent boots
with large silver lace up holes (what are they called); so Ali McGraw'ish! I felt like I was living outloud.
Shoes defintely make the girl.
Hugs, patti
I love the magazines and books that come from Hoffman; very high quality. My favorite shoe story is that when I was a pre-teen, I just 'had to have' a pair of blue suede tie-dyed saddle oxfords - thought I would just 'die' without them! Looking back now I can just visualize how horrible they must have looked! My poor mom, having to pay good money for those hideous shoes! To this day she doesn't let me forget them.
When I was a junior in high school, my sister made me a peach dress that was my absolute favorite - I wore it to the spring Frolics dance and for so many other occasions - it was comfortable, but looked great - I got lots of compliments on it. But the favorite thing about the dress was finding matching, peach colored leather shoes with just a little heel! I remember wearing cream colored lace hose too - the color peach and lace hose - screaming the 80's!!!
When I was in the second grade my parents were really poor. my cheap tennis shoes were falling apart so I went to the principal at the school and asked if I could go through the lost and found and I got myself a pair of shoes. I was so proud. the next day I told my sister to go and ask. then for the rest of the year our teachers would give us a pair. so long ago now I have plenty of shoes. I love shoes.
Shoes...what an obsession! I love all types of shoes except the painful ones.
My fondest memory of shoes are of my little cousin who had a pair of the dress up high heels that made a lot of noise when she walked on tile or wood floors. She called them her "click clacks" which always evoked a laugh from the rest of us.
I enjoy your blog.
My favorite shoes where a pair of white cowboy boots I had back in the late 80's. I used to wear them with long skirts and thought I was IT! (Not! LOL)
Ooops - forgot to post my favorite shoes to go with my earlier comment. Flip flop'ish - but semi-dressy as well; has the small heel to lift you up from walking
flat down. But. . .a girl should
neva - that is neva - forget to scrub her heels down daily & moisturize-moisturize-moisturize.
Ugly feet make cute shoes very uncute quickly. :) hugs, patti
I guess my favorite type shoe is the sandal. I have some very comfortable ones and here in SC we can wear them for a long time! My favorite shoe memory is my first pair of white "heels" when I was 12. They were only about an inch high, but I wore them proudly to church on Easter Sunday - like you. Ahhh- memories!
The year I won (age 12) a jelly bean guessing contest 'how many in the jar' ... I was 5'8" already (still am) & the tennis shows\\es I won were green (that was great) with 2" soles (that was terrible!) ... when I outgrew them Mother cut the toes out to get another year of wear & I was now a teenager & so embarrassed that everyone knew we couldn't afford new shoes. Since then I have always made it a mission to have good shoes for every occasion ... & if they become damaged or worn down I immediately get rid of them.
TTFN ~Marydon
Two pair of shoes come to mind both from my teenage days. One was the ugly black and white track shoes that everyone had in 7th grade. I just had to have them and they made my feet look really, really long. The other pair was the clogs with the fake fur. Those always made me feel so hip when I wore them. Thanks for the memories.
What a neat idea for a book! I'll bet if I really thought about the shoes I've worn over the years, I would see how I've changed (or not!).
My summer favorites are flip-flops, but I have to say that my most vivid and best memory was a pair of white, almost knee high boots with a little heel (that seemed high to me). They were my "go-go" boots, and I was about 9 or 10! I loved those boots and wanted to wear them everywhere!
How true!! When you think about it, there are certain shoes that stand out in your mind as ones you'll never forget! I have many memories, but 3 in particular...
red heels that I danced in with my highschool sweetheart, red and white saddle oxfords - the first highschool shoes I wore as a member of the cheering squad, and my highschool drill team boots - oh how I loved those boots. I worked so hard for them!!! :-)
Thanks for offering the book - it sounds fabulous!!!
My favorite pair of shoes has to be a pair I wore when I was in college. I had almost no money but had to have a pair of leather shoe boots. They had a a pointed toe and looked so great peaking out from under my blue jeans. I thought I looked "casual" good!
Rhoda - I love your blog! It's a "must go to" every morning. Wish you were my neighbor. You're so fun and this book sounds like a must have. I too grew up in Marietta, GA :-) and now live in FL. When not @ work, it's all about flip flops now, but I still remember the white patentleather strappy high skinny heel shoes (with a slight wooden (lt. brown) platform base and heel) that I wore when I graduated in a white cap and gown back in 1978! Loved those shoes as well as a pair of beige canvas wedgies with jute rope heel and jute ropes ties that you tied up around your legs to mid calf. Too funny! Thanks for all you do!
I love shoes, my first job was at a shoe store in the 70's. When I went to work at a bank I always wore high heels, never again! I'm like you Rhoda, flip flops are my favorite!
I always wanted a pair of go go boots and saddle oxfords when I was a kid but never got them. I've actually thought about trying to find some black and white oxfords today to wear with my jeans...who knows, maybe they'll come back in style.
I love your blog. My first pair of shoes that I remember loving were some red patene shoes that I received when I was 4 years old. I had a beautiful robins egg colored dress and my mom wanted to buy white patene shoes; however, at 4 I wanted a pop of color and it turned out beautiful.
The second best shoe memory was a pair of 70's leather yo-yo sandals...these were my first high heels.
My favorite shoes are Jimmy choos:) I don't own a pair but will one day.
What I love about shoe shopping is that you are always the same size and there is nothing more empowering than a great pair of shoes:)
Hi Rhoda, Great review! Thanks so much for all the time and energy you put into reading/reviewing Honey It's ALL in the Shoes!
I have a subscription to "Southern Lady" and love the magazine!
So happy you were asked to review the book-who better?
I love shoes,always have. One of my favorites, red and white checked pump with very thin high heel. Looked adorable but had a vamp attitude being a pump.
Ahhh...those were the days.
Oh how fun, Rhoda!
Yep, i'm a shoe kind of girl too. I love shopping for shoes. Love'em all! From flip flops, sandals, to high heels. LOL I participated in a meme with Cielo and it was a ton of fun.
Here is my link to my shoe post. :Dhttp://mybellarose.blogspot.com/2009/07/knock-me-off-my-feet.html
Have a good day!
I'm a little embarrassed to say that my favorite pair of shoes ever would have to be a pair of multi-colored moccasins (yes, moccasins!) that I wore when I was around 10 years old. I'm sure they were designed for someone 60 years my senior, but there was something totally alluring about them!
Today, I have to say I'm a total flip-flops girl... I probably have 40 pairs. I actually had to scale back recently and give some (unworn) pairs away -- they're just taking over my house!
Thanks for the chance :) Enjoyed reading the post, and that photo of Mariah Carey's closet made me drool a little!
I am a huge fan of yellow box flip flops(in fact they should pay me for all the advertising I do) and everyone knows this about me. This past Christmas my husband slipped a gift wrapped bag under the tree for me. He was so excited about his choice of a gift that he went back and two more were placed under there as well for my daughter and DIL. Christmas eve, the girls opened theirs first, and held up yellow box houseshoes...screaming pink...black! Everyone turned to me to watch me open mine and hear my reaction especially Cat Daddy. The look on his face was priceless as I exclaimed "I got ONE!!!!" The salesgirl had failed to put both shoes in the box! Christmas dinner~$135.00; yellow box shoes~$17.95; his face~Priceless!
Hi Rhoda,
That book sounds so fun! I think my favorite shoes were from the 70's when I was in high school. As you can imagine, the styles back then were truly funky! My favorite pair had a wooden sole, much like a clog, but they weren't traditional clogs. They had a back to them and strapped on. They were so funky cool!
Thanks for sharing about the book and author!
Did you ever take me back in time with your post.............
When I was around 13, my mother let me go Easter shoe shopping with my best friend Janet and her mother. It was the first time she ever let me shop on my own. I picked out these amazingly "cute" patent leather shoes with clear acrylic "heels" on them. I thought I was the real cat's meow in those shoes. My mother most graciously kept her mouth shut and never criticized my choice. As I was stepping inside the church on Easter Sunday, that sexy acrylic heel got caught in the door threshold and I stepped right out of the heel! Talk about a faux pas for a shy diva wanna-be! I will never ever forget that moment of extreme embarrassment.
Love your blog...I think this is my first time commenting! My best shoe memory is buying my first pair of heels myself when I was about 11. They were Candie's with a cork heel that had to be 3 inches high! They were white with black polka dots! They were on clearance at Belk's for about $2.00 I think. I never wore them in public, but I wore them in front of the mirror many times! And I was hot! That's what I love about shoes...no matter how you feel about your body size, shoes always make you feel beautiful!
i've been through many different shoe styles! I love heels and wish so desparetley that i could wear them but the truth is, the kill my feet! i absolutely hate them but love the look! My favorite shoes are flip flops, i have them in about every color! shoes with low heels and jeans and heeled boots (those i can actually wear!) my favorite memory was when i was in high school and my mom bought me a pair of knee high boots. i loved them!!
Too funny! I just posted a blog this week telling people to run, not walk, to the store and pick up P.N.H.'s latest magazine Celebrate, which is slap full of fun fall ideas! It's a jewel. Thanks for the tip on her book. I'll have to get it!
I most clearly remember the shoes I coveted as a teenager. Especially the pair of tooled caramel-colored leather, calf-high boots with stacked leather heels I walked past every day in the window of The Wild Pair on my way to work at the Broadway dept store at our new local mall. I saved and saved til I could buy them for myself and oh-my-god I loved them forever (or at least til they went out of style and something else caught my fickle eye!)
Rochelle at gardenvalleybaby@yahoo.com
I absolutely love your blog! I'm a wannabe GRITS. My husband is from Alabama and I prefer going to the South rather than Hawaii. My shoe memory is when I was hypnotized at a high school assembly and the hypnotist took us back to when I was 5. I was clicking my feet together and he asked me what I was doing. I was smiling at my new shiny black dress shoes. I can still remember that feeling of being all grown up.
I can remember the very first pair of shoes that I bought all by myself with my very own money. I worked at a high-end clothing store and spotted a nice pair of Aigner's (heel's to be exact) in a beautiful taupe color. I was able to pay for them (even at my discount they were 'too' much) with my paycheck money. I felt so proud of those shoes. Thanks for making me ponder that awesome memory. Also, thank you for the give-a-way opportunity.
There are sooo many memories of shoes! The first pair I lusted over were my grandmothers red "squash" heels. She let us play dress up in them! I imaigne if I saw them today I wouldn't be so enamored of them, but they were awesome then...........Jo
Great post, Rhoda! The book sounds fabulous. And I think every comment shows that we all love our shoes!!
I too, am back to flats and low heels. I did love my 3 inchers though, because I am so short! Wedges are a nice compromise...Even so, I still have a ton of shoes, albeit, mostly flats!
Since I wear size 11's (oh yeah, it ain't pretty) I am not a big fan of shoe shopping, but even I have a shoe story! When I was in 2nd grade I remember getting ready for the bus one morning and frantically looking around the house for my shoes. The bus was going to be coming any second and I was looking under the sofa when my mom asked what i was looking for. I told her, she looked at me quizzically and said "they are on your feet!" Did I mention I've also always been a bit if a daydreamer and a teensy bit absent minded?
Kathleen Grace's story above reminded me of a shoe story with my daughter. She'd just learned how to put on her shoes by herself. One day I told her, "Honey, your shoes are on the wrong feet" and she looked it me in all sincerity and said, "But Mommy, these are the only feet I have!!" She was 2 1/2.
Cowboy boots and 5" red leather spikes for me! The earliest memory I have about shoes is when I BEGGGGGED for a pair of cowboy boots for my 6th birthday. At that time, my favorite TV shoe was Hopalong Cassidy...I'm probably the only one who remembers that far back. My mom always told me that I thought if I got cowboy boots, then a pony would come with them. Well, I got the boots (lovely they were) but the pony never arrived. Somewhere along the way I suppose I outgrew both. My VERY first pair of heels came along in the 6th grade for Easter. They were 5-inch red leather spiked-toe heels. Believe it or not, I could walk in them from the get go. I wore them were a navy and white polka dotted dress. That was probably the beginning of my now well-known shoe obsession. I am, however, ever so happy in my flip flops:) Loved this post. Thanks.
My birthday is the end of May and each summer I could get a pair of sandals which I had to pay 1/2 with my birthday money. My mother did not like thong sandals of any sort. One year I chose a pair of red patent thong sandals and I loved them. I think I would love them still if I had them and they fit.
FUN post....
I LOVE flip flops I have them in every flavor...and I get so SAD when it gets cold here in the NE and I have to put on REAL shoes....
When I was young boots were all the rage....I traveled to a store in Boston to get mine...I paid 75 bucks for them a kings ransom in the day !!!
I would love that book so I could give it to my daugher her addiction is much worse than mine :) !!
Kathy :)
Great review! This sounds like a book I'd enjoy. I love the manta: "Life is short. Buy the shoes." ;)
Here's my shoe story:
The first Christmas T and I were married, we were still poor college students. When a (very!) wealthy client of his invited us to a fancy Christmas cocktail party, I went crazy trying to find the perfect outfit.
I could not, for the life of me, find a cute pair of shoes to go with my outfit. Finally, in Macy's, I spotted a gorgeous pair of Nine West silver stiletto sandals with a black geometric design that buckled around my ankle. They had an adorable little rhinestone buckle over the toe.
The best part? They were on major sale, fit my budget, and they've dressed up many a fancy outfit since.
I was so happy to save the money on the shoes and have some extra for Christmas gifts. :)
Where to begin? Shall I sing the praises of my first pair of black patent pointy-toe flats purchased at Marshall Field's in Jackson, Michigan at the age of 18? Or fast-forward all the way to today where right now, on my blog, is a post of hot pink patent heels akin to the ones on the book cover? Or in between where I lament the passing of my favorites....I knew when I bought them that I should have gotten 2 identical pairs & held one back until the first pair wore out?!
I could go on all day..........
Another "lurker" here who just made contact w/the fabulous Rhoda - spending my lunch w/you every day now, girl!
Being the "Shoppin Junkie", I have too many shoes & shoe stories, but here are two:
Fav 80's shoes - Famolare wedge sandals with 3" wedges, Red/Blue/Yellow & White, I was doin' some serious stylin. (Too bad their styles now look like "granma shoes" - sad, sad, sad). I cried when the straps finally broke on those shoes.
Fav 90's Shoes - black & white 3" pumps, BUT they look like Keds tennies, with white leather lace-ups on the toe - everybody goes KRAZY when I wear those shoes and I feel super special as well as funky! They will fall apart before I get rid of'em.
Thanks, Rhoda - you're the best.
I love me some good shoes. I do think it is true that women love shoes because our shoe size does not change nearly as ofen as our waist size!
Sounds like a great book! My fave shoes ever were a pair of red flats (why flats I don't know as I really need some extra height). I wore those shoes out and have never found another red pair that I've liked as much.
Well here it is...I couldn't decide between 2 pair which were my favorite so I will tell you the earliest!!!
My first favorite was actually my pair of boots I wore for drill team in High School. Every Friday night for football season I put on my boots and felt like a totally different person!!!! I love the way they fit! I even wore the exact same pair of socks with them....Red Christmas socks!! I still have those White leather boots in my attic with other high school memories!!!
My favorite pairs of shoes are the ones I find at a real bargain price - even when their not for me! I hate to pay full price for anything and I am a sucker for clearance shoes. But as a size 11 (or a 10W in some), it's sometimes hard to find cheap shoes that fit. So, my most recent find was a pair of Vera Wang sandals at Kohls that I bought my niece - originally $70, marked down 90% to $7 and I had another 20% off coupon. Score!
Hi Rhoda,
I remember when I got to wear nylons and heels to school for the first time. It was in the fifth grade. I got to wear a pair of beautiful, black, patten leather shoes with a two inch heel! They were gorgeous! However, no sooner do I get to school and take my seat... one of my classmates wants to borrow them and wear them for the whole day at school. I said "NO WAY!" Well, that classmate got mad at me and would not play with me at recess. OH WELL I said... ONE LESS FRIEND... but I am lookin' good!
Nancy from OHIO
I've never been a "shoe" kind of a girl - now purses are a different story! - but since have lapband surgery a year ago, I've been trying to dress up more. That requires me to were dressier shoes, more than my normal tennis shoes, flip flops and cowboy boots (which I love! :)). So I'm slowly coming around to the who shoe idea. :)
I used to have this beautiful pair of Cole Haans. They were like oxfords, but navy and white and had a small heel. They looked great with everything and I finally wore them out.
Now I am a fan of Crocs, but I won't wear them in public! So comfy, yet so ugly.
Phyllis and I grew up together, went to the same church, baptized the same Sunday. She began piano lessons shortly after I did, and I was so jealou of how well she played. She is a natural!
I am so proud of what she has accomplished and even though we don't see each other often, we seem to pick up where we left off. My mother told her what a big fan my daughter is of Paula Deen and Phyllis was kind enough to get her a personally autographed cookbook as a wedding gift. She is one of a kind, and I am so glad I knew here when.
Great post. I love meeting authors, it gives me such a different perspective of the book I am about to read. Phyllis sounds lovely!! Southern authors, as well as all things southern have such charm and you feel instantly like best friends.
When I was younger and we went dancing, my shoes were about 3-4 inches and I could boogie till the sun came up. Now I find it hard to walk to the car in heels that are not nearly as high. Don't get me wrong, I still have tons of shoes, but, like Paula, I'm walking in flats.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this delightful book!!
Enjoy your day!
Hugs xOxO, Nerina :)
ME, ME, ME PLEASE! I love shoes! I get a lot at Frenchies & yard sales. My favorites are my sensible, comfy brown Naot sandles with replaceable inserts. But I MUST wear hot shoes at least once a day! My faves there are a wonderful pr of 3" black suede pointy toe backless with cross-over straps -- sooo wicked! And then I have my summery torquoise slip-on kitten heel, wedge with big flower. Or my med-heeled leg hugging copper-sheen boots. Ohhh! Don't make me choose!
(I'm gonna do a blog dedicated to shoes)
This takes me back to 1981, the first year that I no longer had to wear special orthopedic shoes designed to help create a non-existent arch. I was eight years old and finally allowed to forgo treatment and could pick out any pair I wanted. All summer, I was coveting a Dr. Scholls wooden clog. I chose a lovely white pair. I thought nothing sounded better than the click, click, click heal against our driveway. And right there, completely smitten with my archless foot, I was forever hooked on shoes!
amytdd at charter dot net
Favorite quote about shoes... Shoes are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
This books sounds like fun reading..My favorite shoe memory were my blak and white oxfords. But now flip-flops in every color. Rhoda....I love your blog...Pat H
Hi Rhoda!
When I was just a little gal I had polio....it meant wearing braces and ugly, ugly shoes. I was a prissy little thing....(didn't wear a pair of pants until I was eight!)....and wanted nothing more than a cute little pair of black buckle shoes...finally.......I got them! I was so excited...I can still remember being thrilled and I actually SLEPT with them right next to me on my pillow. Such a happy little girl.
I love many kinds, fancy and casual, but they have to feel good too! If they hurt my feet, they end up in the back of the closet real fast!
Oh how I longed for, and finally got, the Bass Weejun penny loafers in High School. Everyone, absolutely everyone who was anyone wore them! I was never so happy as the day I finally saved up enough money to get a pair. And shined them every night!
Great contest.
Shoes and bags... I'm such a sucker for both. In fact we bought our 16 month old five pairs of shoes just yesterday. I was so excited she is finally walking and wanted to get her some fun new ones! As for my personal faves, I tend to err towards the go-to flip flops but I also love me a pair of sassy heels!
This sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway to your readers.
I bought myself a pair of green heels with gold trim for my college graduation. They were part wicked witch and part sass.
My favorites right now are my black leather ballet flats.
Just last week I got to visit with my 20 month old niece who spent the entire weekend wearing my brother's shoes and socks. he's 6'5, so it was quite the site.
great contest - i loved reading the comments too!
ihpie at yahoo.com
Favorite pair of shoes of all time have to be a pair of boots I owned that I wore when I was 18 years old. I loved them. They were lace up boots, brown, with a significant heel and they were hot looking. I wore them mostly with jeans even though they were a little dressier than that.
These days I am mainly barefoot. LOL
I'll never forget the white go-go boots with fringe that my Mom bought me for Christmas! I must have been 14..i thought those things were HOT!
My favorite now are sleep on sandals in every color. Slip in and go!
Love your blog!
Hey Rhoda,I remember my first pair of black patent shoes. We had been out shopping and stopped at the park.Us kids ended up going around on the merry-go-round and it totally scratched up the tips of the shoes.All the leather was gone.We had gotten the shoes the day before,Mom was not to happy :)
This book sounds so fun! Indeed, we women all have our shoe stories. Here's mine:
About 8 or 9 years ago, I fell in love with a pair of shoes at Kohl's. They were black and strappy, with the narrowest of 3" high wedges. The strap was really just one long elastic band that was anchored over the toes and then wound over your foot.
I had always been a pretty conservative dresser, never worn any shoes that were too high or too 'crazy', but I had to have these shoes! I got them and wore them to work, telling my boss that I felt like my feet were naked. She told me that every woman needs naked shoes, and to this day, I will ocassionally pull those 'naked shoes' out and wear 'em for a special outing.
My favorite memories of shoes were a pair of low cut white boots I wanted when in high school. My mother took me all over the area looking for this certain pair of shoes. I am certain we used more gas than what they were worth, but she knew how bad I wanted them. Now, my favorite shoes are flats - Clarks are my favorite.
dctm at bellsouth dot net
I went from the 60s when I worked where you had to wear high heels and skirts and dresses to work (no pant suits yet), I even climbed stairs and was pregnant in those heels. As time went on and clothing got more comfortable and we went into pant suits and 1/2 inch heels to today as a little old lady who wears slip on loafers with non-slip bottoms from L L Bean.
I am a shoe person. My favorite shoe memory is picking Easter shoes when I was a little girl.
ageefamily at windstream dot net
As I was getting ready to turn 30 I knew I needed to embrace it. I was single, owned my own home, had a good job and had no reason to stress over it (although many of my friends had when they hit the big 3-0). I threw myself a big bash with dinner for a ton of friends and drinks and cheesecake after at a martini bar. In order to really bring in my day with style I found some beautiful (and pretty cheap) turqoise heels with lots of sparkle! My little nephew (3 at the time) even pointed to them and said "pretty shoes" when he saw me getting dressed. The kid knows style!
Those shoes were so much fun that night and were not my typical style which made them even more special for such a special occasion. They helped me celebrate a wonderful milestone and just 2 short years later they were my 'something blue' when I walked down the aisle to marry my sweet husband. I love those shoes and will never get rid of them!
Now, I don't know that I'll have much reason to wear them anytime soon as I am chasing an almost 1 year old, but they were my "Heck yah, I'm turning 30" shoes and then my "Forever I choose YOU" shoes. They are priceless and are a part of my history! They even have a picture in my scrapbooks.
I love shoes too, and typically they are flip flops. :)
OMGOSH!! My love affair with shoes began back in 1st grade I think! LOL I had a pair of shoes that I loved...I even named them "bandit" (not sure why, but I remember telling my parents and grandparents that's what I named 'em, and they gave me funny looks...like you are NOT supposed to name shoes - are you crazy?! I do have a few favorite brands too!! Bivel, Cordani, and sometimes Franco Sarto...sometimes Cole Haan, and for comfort, UGG slippers...man are they comfy! I hate how they look, but oh so cozy in winter! :)
My shoe story is a sad one. I used to have shelves and shelves of shoes. Then I had three kids. Then I worked on my feet for several years. Now my feet are D width size 10 and it's almost impossible to find cute shoes :(
But I still love them and buy everything I find that fits!
My favorite shoe memory is a pair of little red patent shoes that my youngest daughter loved when she was a toddler. She wore them with everything even though they didn't match. My favorite shoes are Yellowbox flip flops. They are the best!
Rhoda, I can't believe how many shoe memories I have. You mentioned the white go-go boots..I asked my Mom for a pair for Christmas and received white galoshes...No Nancy Sinatra styling there!
My mother hated to take me shoe shopping so my grandfather volunteered for the job, how could a shy little thing like myself be a problem. Well, he didn't realize I was like the princess and the pea...I had to try on dozens before I found a pair that fit me just right. Never again for him!
I went to Parochial School and in 8th grade the school required that we buy ugly oxfords for 30$. That was alot of money in 68, so my Mom bought me loafers instead and the rebel that I wasn't started a "loafer fad" in school, the only stylish moment in my life!
So please enter me in your contest, I would enjoy the book very much!
I'm one of those people who finds a pair of shoes I like and I'll buy them in 3 or 4 colors. I'm not the most awake person in the morning and I went to work one day, was standing around waiting for the elevator and realized I had on one black shoe and one navy shoe. It was already lunchtime, so I just wore them all day.
Please enter me in your contest.
Yea - I found the comment section, Rhoda. Thanks for your help with that!
Oh, I'm lovin' my animal print Crocs - thanks to you! I would never have even looked on their website if you wouldn't have posted yours.
Please enter me in your contest.
laurieortmeier at msn dot com
My fav shoes now are all yellowbox...sandals and flops! Love them. As a child the patent red maryjanes! ha!
Great Giveaway.
Hi Rhoday, I would love to have this book. I am a Northern girl, I live in Canada, no less. But, I have great respect for Southern anything. My mom is from Oklahoma. My favorites are flip-flops, and my most memorable shoes were my first heels. I was twelve and my dad said I could start wearing heels. They were not new, they were second hand, but they were HEELS!! I will never forget the excitement! I sure hope I win this, I would love to read it. Hugs ~CINDY S~
My husband cannot understand why I NEED so many shoes! And I cannot understand how he can only live with 4???? My fav shoes are wedges, LOVE LOVE THEM! I have a pair of white strapy Kristan Davis wedges ~ they are my favs but have only worn once because it keeps raining in FL!
My favorite shoes were a pair of grey suede loafers I got for Christmas about a 100 years ago - loved them- also got a pink poodle skirt -
I am 34 y/o, and I can tell you, that the best feel good moment I have about a pair of shoes is a recent one. I am going through personal issues, and lately it has taken a toll on me. I received an awesome pair of 3" heels (something I have never worn), and I tell you, that my outlook changed completely. Amazing what a nice pair of heels can do for you!
PS. Love the blog!
Yanira (ydatmillslaw@hotmail.com)
I too, love my shoes. Living in "LA" I wear mostly flip flops year round. My fondest memory of shoes are the "yo-yo's" I had. Does anyone remember those that had the heel with the hole cut out? My mom and grandmother had pairs as well. Ha, ha.. what a fun memory of the three of us going out shopping in our matching shoes. I thought my grandmother was soooo hip!!
My favorite pair of shoes were the white flip flops that I wore under my long wedding gown. I love shoes and have way more than should probably be legal but I just wanted to be comfortable on my wedding day so I chose to wear flip flops.
I remember when my mom and I went shopping for my first pair of heels. I was so excited. I got suede open toed heels that I wore with pride with my dresses.
Now, my favorite shoes are flats and flip flops. :)
My favorite memory of shoes comes from the third grade when my mom bought me these fabulous gray suede Mary Janes. Years later in 9th grade, a girl from my third grade class told me how she wanted those shoes so badly.
My very favorite shoes ever were a pair of Evan Picone red heels - about 3 inches - that I wore for a Christmas date with a winter white dress when I was 16. They were my first "adult" heels...pointed toes...they were about 40 years old when I finally parted with them.
Now my favorites are sandals...I love sandals...heels 2" or less!
I still remember the feeling I had with my brnad new red and white rah-rah cheerleading shoes.
of course I want to win!
Okay, any of the southern ladies here remember John Romaine (sp?) loafers? My older sister had several pair. The best shoe time was when we were both working and living at home...Lord, we had the shoes. One memorable pair were boots. Thigh high, Aggie red (maroon) with 6" stiletto heels. We had to plan who was going to wear them. As my sister was 5'10", she wore them on court days (she was an retail investigator for high end dept stores) So she wore those on court dates with a suit. She'd get in that witness stand and everyone sat up straight and paid attention. It was so funny. Outside of court, those were worn with a black sweater dress, I had to wear some color around my face.
My b/w saddle oxfords. Loved them. Record bought was 5 pair in 6 weeks (I miss layaway!) But I wore them for years...Pappagallos and Nickles.
What a fun post! When I was a little girl, we always got new shoes for Easter. I loved the black patent leather ones! I just loved how they smelled, and how nice and shiny they were! When I was all grown up, I loved my pink high heels, and always wore them with jeans. I felt sexy, and sassy!
After discovering Missus Smarty Pants to help me learn how to dress for my body type, I got the courage to get some red shoes. It took me awhile to wear them, but I loved wearing them. Which led to another pair of red shoes (in another shade, of course). They both have a kitten heel which I love. One was bought at Payless and the other at the Goodwill! Now I have to use self control to say no to any other red shoes.
I wore dangerously high wedges all through high school in the 70s. I loved them because they made me look so tall with thin legs. And just last week...bought wedges...in style again. Why didn't I hang on to all those I had? Oh, and I'm still going for that tall, lean look - only now I'm afraid it will take more than shoes to pull it off!!
On a movie, one time, a character stated that the reason women love shoes so much is that you can be fat or thin, but shoes still do not reflect a woman's weight. Shoes are basically weightless, so we can enjoy wearing them without the physical restraints of other parts of our bodies. Just a thought.
Hi Rhoda:
Love your blog - I get so many ideas from it and I really identify with your Southern roots! My favorite shoe memory is very recent. After 10 years of wearing "granny type" flat shoes and finally barely being able to walk at all for the last 2 years, I had double knee replacement surgery in Oct 2008. The recovery was tough yes, but I got through it. Finally I was pain free after so many years of suffering. One day in late Winter 2009, my hubby and I were out shopping and saw the cutest pai5 of black patent leather kitten heels. He asked me to try them on and I thought he was crazy. I told him I haven't been able to walk in heels in more than a decade, but he insisted. So I tried them on and they fit perfectly! I can never describe the feeling that I had to walk the aisle of the department store, perfectly normally and pain free, after so many years. He was so proud that he was clapping and telling everyone how cute I looked. Well I don't know about a 60 year old granny being cute but I sure felt like a million bucks! It was a dream come true that I never imagined would happen for me. Although the heels are only about 2 inches tall, I prance around in them like the are at least 6 inches. Made me feel like a young girl again!
eileen emccalis@tampabay.rr.com
My favorite shoe memory is getting shoes for Easter one year. Not something that was regularly in my Easter basket, but that year the Easter Bunny found some really cute shoes and just knew my sister and I would each love a pair. The EB was right! We did love those shoes...far more than candy (which is saying a lot for this chocoholic).
My favorite shoes are Yellow Box flip flops. I think everybody should have some.
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